Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia (kŏm′poun′dĭng) n. Afacilitywheredrugsarecompoundedorpreparedincustomizeddosagesorformulations,typicallyattherequestof aphysicianandforuseby anindividualpatient. TheAmericanHeritage®MedicalDictionaryCopyright©2007,2004byHoughtonMifflinCompany.PublishedbyHoughtonMifflinCompany....
Most natural landscapes are diverse mixes of plant species that are literally nutrition centres and pharmacies with vast arrays of primary (nutrient) and secondary (pharmaceutical) compounds vital in the nutrition and health of plants and herbivores. Plant-derived alkaloids, terpenes, sesquiterpene ...
The design director of Waterfrom Design, Nic Lee, has been in designs for over a decade, and his work mixes extreme simplicity with humor. He graduated from the Pratt Institute, New York with a Master of Science in interior design, as well as having participated in Denmark's International ...