I (Rob) was a pharmacy technician for 8 years prior to going to pharmacy school. When I specialized (through pharmacy residency) in pharmacy management, I spent a lot of time working on a pharmacy technician development program for the health-system I work in. In my current role as a pha...
I wanted to become a pharmacy technician because I want it to help me get into pharmacy school, and I want to have that experience under my belt. So, I think they were looking for someone who was more passionate in that sense rather than just looking at it as just a job. You know,...
Former dispenser here. You'll be working in a boring, monotonous job that you know inside out in around 6 month but still have to go through two more years of "training" before you can do the job. Top wage is shit (unlikely to hit £30k), most places pay a little over minimum w...
Pharmacist-to-Technician Ratio Special Newsletter (v5.airtableusercontent.com) NPA President Dr. Kay Lynn Bowman gave a brief history of legislation surrounding the pharmacist-to-technician ratio: The last proposal for the Regulation to increase the ratio was heard and a survey was conducted in Oc...
As a result, a few pharmacy “sacred cows” will likely need to be slaughtered in the process,5 such as the need to verify all medication orders and directly supervise all technician activities, regardless of the relative values of these activities, and counseling all patients, although other ...
Shifting to CBE may create an imbalance in the opposite direction where skills are more valued than knowledge, emphasizing the role of the pharmacist as a technician versus a health-care provider and problem-solver. 5. Discussion Overall, CBE is an instructional model that is built on ...