Hannaford Ahold Delhaize Usa Scarborough, ME 88 Stop & Shop Ahold Delhaize Usa Quincy, MA 75 HEB H E B Grocery Company San Antonio, TX 29 Meijer Meijer Great Lakes Limited Partnership Grand Rapids, MI 278 Winn Dixie Southeastern Grocers LLC Jacksonville, FL 2 Hy Vee Hy Vee Inc West Des ...
Indrajeet D Gonjari, Avinash H Hosmani, Amrit B Karmarkar, Appasaheb S Godage, Sharad B Kadam, Pandurang N Dhabale. Formulation and evaluation of In-situ gelling thermoreversible mucoadhesive gel of fluconazole. Drug Discov Ther. 2009; 3(1):6-9. 2. Harish Matapady, Narayana R Charyalu...