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Pharmacy practice in Australia and New Zealand has been rapidly evolving. In recent years, there is a push away from the traditional roles of pharmacists around supply of medicines, to that of pharmacists' professional cognitive services and patient-centered care. Drivers for this change, and call...
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(新西兰: 药物和医疗器械安全 局) New Zealand...National Institute of Pharmacy(匈牙利:国家药房所) 发达国家药房药师word版 新西兰 GPP 内容有 A 、要求药房工作以专业的方式进行 B 、促进合理用药,达到...1.正确 6. 在美国,药师包括执业药师...
The government could then have purchased its generic drugs from the lowest bidder, as has been the case in New Zealand since the 1990s. Canada is in a very different situation from New Zealand since the country is home to a pharmaceutical industry that the government seeks to protect. It was...
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