Challenges to effective advocacy Pharmacists are pushed away from provider roles Historically, the profession of pharmacy has been based around the provision of products rather than the provision of services. In the 1960s, pharmacy was classified by sociolo- gists as a quasi-profession rather than ...
The drug retail represents the main area of activity for pharmacists worldwide. In Brazil, this sector is responsible for employing around 80% of professionals. Before this reality, the academic training of pharmacists requires specialized skills and knowledge so they can fulfill their tasks. In thi...
Noninferiority was assumed if the lower limit of the CI around the adjusted relative risk (RR) of participants with controlled blood pressure was above 0.90. Adjusted risk differences (RDs) were also calculated and reported using a robust Poisson model with identity link function. Secondary ...
Several publications have raised awareness around potential sources of error and the need to reduce avoidable harm in healthcare[27],[28] .’ Around 20 years ago, the need for crew resource management training in healthcare (initially called ‘cockpit resource management t...
While there can be several types of digital stories, such as informative or instructional narratives, personal accounts, or historical presentations [2,3], pharmacy education focuses on stories designed around healthcare topics. By integrating simulated patient information throughout a class session, ...
[22] have recognized this new model as a means by which research priorities can be organized around strategic areas to bring “non-academia” universities closer to becoming Academies in various countries. The new vision adopted by the Costa Rican private educational system, besides focusing on ...
By 1805, Hufeland’s work led to the development of a “Makrobiotik” life style, with some of its roots generated and promoted heavily around 1795 inJournal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst.His work also gave ris...
(see details below). All interviews were conducted in Russian. Seto plant names were actively elicited from Seto informants unless they were mentioned during the interview. During the course of our interaction with the study participants, we asked them to show us around their home gardens or ...
Challenges to effective advocacy Pharmacists are pushed away from provider roles Historically, the profession of pharmacy has been based around the provision of products rather than the provision of services. In the 1960s, pharmacy was classified by sociolo- gists as a quasi-profession rather than ...
Much of the discourse around lack of implementation at the program level has focused on fractured curriculum, over-reliance on individual instructors, or the reality that educators are shifting the responsibility for accomplishing integration to students [15,16]. Regardless, although the development of...