Publishes research articles, review papers, and short communications on recent advances in environmental modeling and software. Includes Environment Data News, available gratis online ( Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (1979–) Wiley-Liss, New York ...
The filtered information can then be imported into Cytoscape software for visual network analysis. The Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ETCM) [22, 23] encompasses 403 kinds of herbs from the 2015 edition of the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia”, along with 3,962 Chinese herbal formulations ...
Clinical Images/Opinion/Perspectives/Editorial630 - 900 Case Reports900 As the journal publishes articles under the Open Access model, the charge paid by the authors will go toward the expenses related to the process and publishing. Once paid, the fee will never be reimbursed. ...
The intersection of drugs and disease targets was determined, and Cytoscape 3.7.2 software was used to construct a "drug-diseasetarget pathway" network. The Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING) database was used to construct a target protein interaction network, ...
Gene Name Batch Viewera bioinformatics database and an online free analysis software that integrates biological data and analysis tools to provide systematic and comprehensive biofunctional annotation information for large-scale gene or protein lists (hundreds or thousands of gene ID or protein ID lists...
Download citation Published20 October 2008 Issue DateNovember 2008 DOI Nature Chemical Biology (Nat Chem Biol)ISSN1552-4469(online)ISSN1552-4450(print) Sign up for theNature Briefingnewsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. ...
Quantitative analysis of the images was carried out using Image J software. Wound healing assay TNBCCs were placed in a six-well dish until they developed a complete layer of cells. To create a linear gap on each plate, a 1000 µl pipette tip was used to scratch once. After rinsing ...
Reference to software: Coon, E., Berndt, M., Jan, A., Svyatsky, D., Atchley, A., Kikinzon, E., Harp, D., Manzini, G., Shelef, E., Lipnikov, K., Garimella, R., Xu, C., Moulton, D., Karra, S., Painter, S., Jafarov, E., & Molins, S. (2020). Advanced Terrestria...
Kohl M, Wiese S, Warscheid B (2011) Cytoscape: software for visualization and analysis of biological networks. Methods Mol Biol 696:291–303 Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Li C, Xu J (2019) Feature selection with the fisher score followed by the maximal clique centrality algorithm can ...
Cytoscape v3.7.1 software56 was used to construct a network of herb-chemical-target interactions as an initial network. Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) of the predicted targets were retrieved from STRING v11.0 database57. STRING provides seven resources for physical and functional interactions. ...