The Pharmacology of Anaesthetic Drugs (4th edition). By Adriani JohnM.D., Published by Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois; and in the British Commonwealth by Black well Scientific Publications Ltd., Oxford. Price 88sdoi:10.1093/bja/33.2.122Cecil Gray...
Endogenous sympathomimetic effect β- receptor agonist-- some drugs 3. Membrane stabilizing action local anaesthetic effect -- decrease membrane ion channel permeability 1. prevention of angina pectoris 2. prevention of cardiac arrhythmias 3. treatment of hypertension 4. hyperthyrea clinical uses ◆ ...
Pharmacology of local anaesthetic drugs. In: Wildsmith JAW, Armitage EN, editors. Principles and practice of regional anesthesia. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1993: 29–45Richards A, McConachie I. The pharmacology of local anaesthetic drugs. Curr Anaesth Crit Care 1995;6:41-47....
Clinically pertinent pharmacology of local anaesthetic drugsAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00001503-199010000-00010TuckerG. T.Current Opinion in Anesthesiology
This review discusses the mitigation of pain and anaesthetic drugs. Discussion Literature search revealed that there are four elements of pain transmission viz. transduction, transmission, modulation and perception. The nociceptive pathway is involved in the experience of pain and is modified by both ...
THE GROUP PHARMACOLOGY OF ANAESTHETIC AGENTS: I: THE ABSORPTION—ELIMINATION OF INHALED DRUGSdoi:10.1093/bja/28.6.244A.R. HUNTERRoyal Infirmary ManchesterBJA: The British Journal of Anaesthesia