(family: Cyperaceae), an erect, glabrous, grasslike, fibrous-rooted, herbaceous plant with slender, scaly creeping rhizomes, is widely distributed in temperate, tropical and sub-tropical regions, such as China, India, South Africa, Korea, Japan, Egypt, Iran and other countries (Chang et al. ...
The booster dose prescription for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna has been extended to people over 65 year old whose jobs are associated with the high risk of COVID-19 contacting. In November 2021, these two types of vaccines were approved by the FDA for those with 18 year old and older who ...
Many office jobs, conferences and interviews shifted to video-conferencing and telephone calls. In the USA, insurance companies now cover medical consultations via telemedicine using video-conferencing or telephone for mild illnesses and routine follow-ups, rather than in person appointments (Hollander ...
In the 19th century, two plant diseases, powdery anddowny mildewsof grape, and aninsect pestof grapes, the phylloxera aphid, each of which alone could have destroyed the European vineyards, spread from North America into Europe. The rediscovery of the use of sulfur against powdery mildew, the...