内分泌和神经生理学 Endocrine and neurophysiology 临床毒理学 Clinical toxicology 提供基本和扩展药学服务 Providing basic and extendedpharmacy services 临床药理学 Clinicalpharmacology 公共卫生 Public health 与药学、药理学和毒理学相关的法...
研究方向:PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACYTOXICOLOGY&nb - TOXICOLOGY 杂志简介 SCIE期刊 学科领域:PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of chemically defined therapeutic and toxic agents. The journal welcomes submission...
Thinking about studying pharmacology, toxicology or pharmacy? Find out why you should study them, entry requirements, and what jobs you can do with your degree.
学科:TOXICOLOGYSCIEQ12 / 106 98.6% 按JCI指标学科分区收录子集分区排名百分位 学科:PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACYSCIEQ111 / 354 97.03% 学科:TOXICOLOGYSCIEQ14 / 106 96.7% 名词解释: JCR分区是由科睿唯安公司(原汤森路透,2016年易主科睿唯安)每年发布的,设置了254个具体学科,根据每个学科分类按照期刊当年的影响因子...
BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology Aims and scope Submit manuscript Urs E Gasser, Anton Fischer, Jan P Timmermans & Isabelle Arnet 18k Accesses 10 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Background By definition, a generic product is considered interchangeable with the innovator brand product. Controversy...
Clinical Pharmacology Services, Inc. is a specialty healthcare practice committed to improving the safe and effective use of medications. Leaders in medication therapy management, drug monitoring, clinical research, and drug information support. Provide
Methamphetamine is widely abused in all parts of the world. It has been reported that short-term and long-term methamphetamine exposure could damage the dopaminergic system and induce cardiomyopathy and cardiotoxicity via mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Vanillic acid (VA), a phenolic ac...
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2018, 94: 115-123. DOI:10.1016/j.yrtph.2018.01.024 257. Yiemwattana, I., Chaisomboon, N., Jamdee, K. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory potential of Morus alba stem extract. Open Dentistry Journal, 2018, 12: 265-274. DOI:10.2174/1874210601812010265...
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, University of Mosul, Mosul, Nineveh Province, IraqCarmine dye E120Activated carbonThermodynamicsAdsorption isothermKinetic modelsPurpose: To study the adsorption of dye (E120) from aqueous solution onto activated carbon. Method: Factors ...
学科:TOXICOLOGYSCIEQ498 / 106 8% 按JCI指标学科分区收录子集分区排名百分位 学科:PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACYSCIEQ3257 / 354 27.54% 学科:TOXICOLOGYSCIEQ494 / 106 11.79% 名词解释: JCR分区是由科睿唯安公司(原汤森路透,2016年易主科睿唯安)每年发布的,设置了254个具体学科,根据每个学科分类按照期刊当年的影响因...