第三章 药物代谢动力学pharmacokinetics 药动学研究内容 机体对药物的处置 药物的体内过程ADME血药浓度随时间变化的规律 组织,细胞 D DP 分布 给药 吸收 血液 部 D 排泄 位 DP 代谢 D=游离型药物 药物体内过程 DP=蛋白结合型药物 药物体内过程 转运:吸收、分布、排泄 消除 转化:代谢 细胞外 脂溶性水溶性 ...
tmax 2. Cmax 3. F 达峰浓度Cmax 潜伏期达峰时间 1. 2. 门静脉胆管血循环 d distribution 1. : redistribution + metabolism biotransformation excretion 药物的排泄 kinetic process rate process 达峰浓度Cmax AUC mg/ml mg/ml ) 0~1 1~2 100mg1 00ml C=1 ml 1×10=10mg 100-90 /100=0.1 90mg...
时间 (半衰期)累积量消除量血浆药物浓度(% 稳态) 9497体内药物的药量时间关系时 间血浆药物浓度 (mg/L)口 服静脉注射一、一次给药hrsPlasma concentration峰浓度(Cmax)一次给药后的最高浓度此时吸收和消除达平衡达峰时间(Tmax)给药后达峰浓度的时间,多为2(1-3)hrsAUC曲线下面积单位:ngh/mL 反映药物 6、体内...
1. 峰值浓度(peak concentration,Cmax) 此时,药物吸收速度与消除速度达到平 14、衡。 2. 达峰时间(peak time,Tmax) 3. 消除半衰期 (elimination half-life,t1/2) 4. 曲线下面积(area under the curve, AUC) 代表一次用药后的吸收总量,反映药物的吸 收程度和进入体循环药物的相对量。 血药浓度下降一半所需...
Linearpharmacokinetics Singledosageregimen Intravenousadministration dckcdt cc0e kt Intravenousinfusion dckacakcdt k0c(1ekt)kVd 3 2018/8/17 Extravascularadministration cmaxFX0kTmaxeVd kaFX0c(ektekat)(kak)Vd Tmax2....
(一)absorption •tmax •Cmax •F 1 潜伏期 达峰时间 作用残留时间 1) 2) first- passelimination 门静脉 胆管 血循环 d distribution 1. • •redistribution + metabolism biotransformation enzymeinducer enzymeinhibiter excretion rateprocess kineticprocess 达峰浓度Cmax AUC • • • elimination ...
This paper provides a tested SAS(R) program that performs the following tasks: 1) calculates noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters AUCinf (Area Under the Curve from time 0 to infinite), Cmax (maximum concentration), Tmax (time at the Cmax) and the derived parameters clearance/F, volume ...
2. The peak plasma concentration of ciprofloxacin (Cmax = 1.26 +/- 0.21 mg/l), the time to reach Cmax (Tmax = 1.99 +/- 0.26 h), the area under the time-plasma concentration curve (AUC = 5.52 +/- 0.84 mg h l-1), the terminal phase half-life (T1/2 = 3.05 +/- 0.56 h), ...
40 mg/kg troxipide was administered intravenously. The mean plasma concentration–time profiles are presented in Fig.7, and the noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax, Tmax, MRT(0−t), MRT(0−∞), VRT(0−t), VRT(0−∞), t1/2, K10, Vz, AUC(0−t), and AUC(0−...
Pharmacokinetics including AUC, tmax, Cmax and half 鈥 life were estimated using WinNonLin. Cyclophosphamide concentrations in blood obtained after sampling through tail vein were close to those obtained after retro-orbital bleeding within the same animal. No significant differences in estimated ...