Industry & Market Breakdown of pharmaceutical industry revenue in China 2021, by segment Industry & Market Largest Chinese pharmaceutical companies 2023, by sales value Recommended statistics Key Figures Drug evaluation and approval Sales channels Pharmaceutical enterprisesKey...
COVID-19 outbreak contribute to the rising volume of biomedical waste which is harmful to both human health and the environment. There was a dramatic increase in Biomedical Waste (BMW) production in tandem with the global COVID-19 case count, which affecting global population well-being, as ...
Allied Market Research presents a compilation of reports, which offers a quantitative analysis of growth indicative figures and extensively defines each sub-segment of the market. These furnish our clients an insiders approach to the industry, and assist stakeholders in forming investment strategies. ...
Pharmaceutical industry in the UK Pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines and treatments Biotech drugs Pharmaceutical and biotech M&A activities Key figures Companies Top company based on global pharma Rx revenue in 2022 Pfizer's total revenue 2023 Johns...
How the pharmaceutical industry protected its long-term interests during and after eurozone bailouts (2011–2020) Diogo Teixeira Pereira, Catherine Moury & Pedro Pita Barros Article: 2193622 | Received 08 Mar 2022, Accepted 16 Mar 2023, Published online: 29 Mar 2023 Cite this article https://...
In: Ray RC, Ramachandran SBT-BP from FC (eds). Academic Press, pp 3–27 EFPIA (2018) The Pharmaceutical Industry in Figures George A (2011) Essential Medicines, Access to. In: Chatterjee D. (ed) Encyclopedia of global justice. Springer International Publishing, pp 312–318 da Silva AE,...
competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures are also analyzed. This report also states import/export consumption, supply and demand Figures, cost, price, revenue and gross margins....
Alliance Pharma, a U.S. leader in small and large molecule bioanalytical services in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry has closed the purchase ofDrug Development Solutions (DDS)from LGC. Ampersand Capital Partners and KKR & Co. Inc. ...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Medicines are pharmaceutical substances used to treat, prevent, or relieve symptoms of different diseases in animals and humans. However, their large-scale production and use worldwide cause their release to the environment. Pharmaceutical molecules are currently ...
Browse Figures Review Reports Versions Notes Abstract The aims of this systematic review are to explore the possibilities of using the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) method in the pharmaceutical industry and to examine the application of PALS as a supportive, predictive method durin...