魅影杀手丨Phantasmal Killer <法术|ZeroXilo于7个月前修改了此页面。 四环 幻术(法师、吟游诗人) 施法时间:1动作 施法距离:120尺 法术成分:V、S 持续时间:专注,至多1分钟 你指定施法距离内一个你能看见的生物,并窥探其噩梦以具象其最深的恐惧,依此创造一个只有目标能看见的幻象化身。目标生物必须进行一次感知...
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Phantasmal Killer Name:Phantasmal Killer School:Illusion(Fear) (Death) (Mind-affecting) (Bane) Spell Level:Sor/Wiz 4,Wild 4 Special:Wlk 3 (Great Old One pactonly) Components:Verbal,Somatic SLA:Archmage: Illusion IV(Wizard),Deep Gnome: Tier 4...
Sequence of Evil Eye + Vision of Hell > Bestow Curse + "something" > Misfortune + Phantasmal Killer. Middle turn of the sequence is one I'd love to skip in favor of more pre-combat buffs and constant buffs. DC of 10 + 4 + 9 + 4 = 27 DC total. Saves with - 2 - 4 = -6 ...
But what about phantasmal killer? From description: You tap into the nightmares of a creature you can see within range and create an illusory manifestation of its deepest fears, visible only to that creature I think Force Wallwall of force does not help against Phantasmal Killerphantasmal killer...
参考例句 1. aphantasmalpresence in the room; 房间里幽灵的存在; 2. The illusionist creates a Phantasmal Warrior who attacks the enemy. 幻像师创造出一个幻像武士,让他去攻击敌人。 3. 4th—charm monster, confusion, detect scrying, greater invisibility,phantasmalkiller; ...
The illusionist creates a Phantasmal Warrior who attacks the enemy. 幻像师创造出一个幻像武士,让他去攻击敌人。 Weird: As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft. 心灵屏障:受术者对影响心智、情绪的法术免疫,且无法被探知。 Is Phantasm in the game?What's it like?Are there screens? 幻像...
Your phantasmal phenomenon can be a little killer bunny that chases and attacks your target relentlessly for example, even if your target leaves the range of the spell afterwards the bunny can keep chasing because the spell doesn't say it's broken if your target leaves spell range. ...