Only 3 minutes to beach and Tram Huong Tower. Near Vincom building and night market, it is good for you..." "Amazing location right next to the beach! French style hotel so each room is large and spacious with a balcony in each room facing the sea. My favourite part was opening...
您可以前往Tara & Kys Art Gallery、Kujean、Lucy's Dream、Queen Collection、Le Saigonais、Gom Viet Fine Art、Nha May Tram等地,探索越南的艺术和手工艺品。此外,您还可以在Fronline Gallery和Gaya等地找到独特的艺术品和精美的工艺品。在这些购物地标中,您可以找到各种各样的越南漆器,让您带回家一些精美的...