In crossbreeding, when flowers of the seed parent and pollen parent were both fragrant, the fragrance expression of their offspring is up to 100%. However, when only the seed parent or pollen parent has fragrant flowers, the offspring's fragrance expression is reduced to <57%. An analysis ...
Phalaenopsis bellina, native to Borneo and Malaysia, has some of the most opulent flowers found anywhere. They emerge successively on a long-lived inflorescence that produces sublimely contrasting magenta and cream-white, waxy, fragrant flowers that endure for many weeks. While care requirements can...
there have been no reports indicating the kind of insects that visitP. bellinaorP. equestrisin the wild. Flowers ofPhalaenopsisspp., with its colorful perianth, are pollinated by bees and produce fragrances during the day [22]. Bumble bees are...
Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson, a Segregate from P. Violacea Witte (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae)PHALAENOPSISORCHIDACEAEAERIDINAEBORNEOMALAYAFLORAL FRAGRANCESCHEMOTAXONOMYA reevaluation of floral and vegetative morphology together with data from analysis of floral fragrance and flavonoid co-pigment ...
Phalaenopsis bellina is an attractive orchid due to its unique appearance and distinctive floral fragrance. Many past studies on this plant focused on the plant at the molecular level; however, this requires sufficient quantities of high-quality P. bellina RNA. RNA is more delicat...
flower fragrancegeranyl diphosphate synthaseprenyltransferasePhalaenopsis orchidGeranyl diphosphate (GDP) is the precursor of monoterpenes, which are the major floral scent compounds in Phalaenopsis bellina . The cDNA of P. bellina GDP synthase ( PbGDPS ) was cloned, and its sequence corresponds to the...
We investigate how flower fragrance is generated in certainPhalaenopsisorchids by identifying floral expressed-sequence-tags (ESTs) and deducing the floral scent biosynthesis pathway ofPhalaneopsis bellinausing bioinformatics analysis. The major chemical components in theP. bellinaflower are found to be ...
bellina, but its level did not correlate with 尾-farnesene levels across various flowering time points and stages. Conclusion: The insights gained from this study will enhance the understanding of terpenoid production in P. bellina and aid in the discovery of novel fragrance-related genes in other...
Among the numerous species, the Phalaenopsis genus of about 66 species derived hybrids is the popular potted ornamental plant. Nowadays, there are more commercial demands for the various Phalaenopsis hybrids with diverse flower colors, fragrance, disease-free, environmentally protected with long-lasting ...