PH-tree:全称PATRICIA-hypercube-tree,是把之前一种叫做PATRICIA-trie的二叉树和超立方体合并起来设计的。 特色:空间高效。PH-tree是一个内存索引,带有一定的压缩性质。用这个索引存数据,有时甚至比存原数据还要小。 1. INTRODUCTION 搜索高效:与维数无关 结构与构造顺序无关 更新高效:最多涉及两个节点 3. THE P...
PH-tree vs QuadtreeThe PH-tree is similar to a quadtree in the sense that:It uses a hierarchy of nodes to organize data Each node is a square and has four quadrants (eight in 3D, in general 2dim quadrants), i.e. each node splits space in all dimensions. Nodes are split into sub...
PH-Tree spatial nearest-neighbor-search nearest-neighbor index spatial-index ph-tree phtree multidimensional-index Updated Jun 22, 2024 Java tzaeschke / tinspin-indexes Sponsor Star 109 Code Issues Pull requests Spatial index library with R*Tree, STR-Tree, Quadtree, CritBit, KD-Tree, ...
v1.4: Added KD-Tree and adapter for PH-Tree v1.3: Reduced memory consumption v1.2: Refactoring, API improvements, slight performance improvements v1.1: Slight performance improvements v1.0: Initial release This is a Java implementation of a crit-bit tree. Acrit-bit treeis aPatricia-Triefor bin...
phc = PhTreeSolidF.create(dims, pre); } 開發者ID:tzaeschke,項目名稱:TinSpin,代碼行數:17,代碼來源:RectanglePHC_IPP.java 示例4: RectanglePHCF ▲點讚 2▼ importch.ethz.globis.phtree.PhTreeSolidF;//導入方法依賴的package包/類/**
開發者ID:tzaeschke,項目名稱:distributed-phtree,代碼行數:12,代碼來源:PhTreeRequestHandler.java 示例7: getStats ▲點讚 2▼ importch.ethz.globis.phtree.util.PhTreeStats;//導入依賴的package包/類/** *@returnThe combined stats for the tree. ...
In this TREESPH code, hydrodynamic properties are determined using a Monte Carlo-like approach known as smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). Unlike most previous implementations of SPH, gravitational forces are computed with a hierarchical tree algorithm. Multiple expansions are used to approximate the...
HEM and LPH Towers - Tree Growth and Above-Ground BiomassJulianHadleyHadley, J. (2009), HEM and LPH towers - Tree growth and above-ground biomass. Harvard Forest Data Archive: HF149. [Available at http:// harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu:8080/exist/xquery/data.xq?id=hf149.]...
Nordén, U.: 1994, ‘Influence of broad-leaved tree species on pH and organic matter content of forest topsoils in Scania, South Sweden’, Scand. J. Forest Res. 9 , 1—8.Nordén, U. 1994. The influence of broad-leaved tree species on pH and organic matter content of forest topsoils...