All the information about this sensor that I found was related to Arduino IDE, but there are some websites that have some relevant information or another: ... -4502c.pdf It might be interesting to see how it behaves on the Arduino and start th...
The pHduino can operate using a LCD to display the pH and the temperature data like a pH meter. Also, you can control it using a computer by USB port.The signal gain (slope) and the signal offset are adjusted manually by trimpots. The signal is compensated by a temperature sensor....
that the instrument will bestow information comparable to that shown inTable 1, the calibration curve is obtained by performing a linear regression to this data. In Equation (5), the linear regression is presented. Furthermore, inFigure 6, we depict the calibration curve for our pH sensor. ...
SEN0169 (Figure 1) is an analog pH meter, specifically designed for Arduino and Arduino-compatible microcontrollers. The electrode is considered industrial. The sensor has a long life (>0.5 years in long-term monitoring mode), is highly accurate (±0.1 pH at 25 °C), it has fast response...