Ph Replacement Probe Aquarium Hydroponic Laboratory Electrode Ph Meter Potential Test Bnc Q9 Connector Add $1266current price $12.66Ph Replacement Probe Aquarium Hydroponic Laboratory Electrode Ph Meter Potential Test Bnc Q9 Connector AquaBasik Water Quality Test 6 in 1 Multi-Parameter Meter PH/EC/...
pH test paperHere, we report a highly water-soluble colorimetric and fluorescent pH probe that works in the pH range 0.2–3.0. The probe showed a rapid response, high stability, and excellent reversibility to acidity. Moreover, the fluorescence of probe was not influenced by the existence of ...
Digital Dissolved Oxygen Electrode Dissolve Oxygen Sensor for Aquaculture Fish Pond Do Test (BH-485-DO) US$299.00-599.00 / Piece Industrial Online Free Chlorine Sensor, Chlorine Electrode, Chlorine Probe US$159.00-259.00 / Piece Boqu Ddg-2080PRO Online Conductivity Temperature Controller ...
Calibration Point 4.01 6.86 9.18 PH Buffer Powder PH Test Meter test Measure Calibration Solution Applications:The PH buffer powder/calibration powder is used to calibrate the accuracy of the electronic PH measurement probe. The electronic PH mea...
1 x pH and Cl2 Tester with Probe 1 x Instruction Manual 1 x Sand Paper Standard Factory Packaging Product description Color:PH CL2 Chlorine Tester Essential tool for quick and accurate readings of ph & chlorine as chlorine is the most commonly used disinfectant for water by killing ba...
STARA3255Orion Star A325 pH/conductivity portable meter kit with ROSS Ultra Triode low maintenance gel pH/ATC electrode, DuraProbe 4-cell conductivity sensor, solutions, meter armor and field caseOrion STAR A325 pH/conductivity portable meter; 8107UWMMD Orion ROSS Triode pH/ATC gel-filled electrod...
The YSI pH100A also allows the ability to connect a flat-tipped (112-1) double-junction and piercing-tipped (111-1) probe for additional applications. In addition, the pH probes have waterproof, submersible cables along the length of the cable unlike many competitive probes. Features 1-year...
FermProbe F-935-B120-DH氧化还原电位电极带PG 13.5 S8接头 复购率: 0% 1年 ¥3800.0 成交0笔 郑州市 Thermo Scientific Orion 低电阻 pH 电极,带防水 BNC 接头 复购率: 14年 ¥2640.0 成交0笔 广州市 HA405-DPA型ph探头配AS9信号线 梅特勒托利多PH/ORP电极S8接头 复购率: 0% 9年 ...
Star A215 pH/Conductivity Benchtop Meter; Orion ROSS Ultra Triode refillable, epoxy-body pH/ATC electrode; Orion DuraProbe conductivity probe; ROSS pH buffer and solution kit; Orion 1413 μS conductivity standard; Attached electrode stand and holder; Universal power adapter; Printed quick start guid...
Digital Dissolved Oxygen Electrode Dissolve Oxygen Sensor for Aquaculture Fish Pond Do Test (BH-485-DO) US$299.00-599.00 / Piece Industrial Online Free Chlorine Sensor, Chlorine Electrode, Chlorine Probe US$159.00-259.00 / Piece Boqu Ddg-2080PRO Online Conductivity Temperature Controlle...