By making use of an adaptor, the MultiLab 4010-3W can also be used with anyBNC analog connector. Probes that use a BNC connection are analog, meaning there is a direct mV signal from the pH probe to the instrument. BNC probes are capable of being used in any meter with a BNC connect...
. A typicalpHmeter consists of a special measuring probe (a glass electrode) connected to an electronic meter that measures and displays thepHreading. The probe ThepHprobe measurespHas the activity of hydrogen ions surrounding a thin-walled glass bulb at its tip. The probe produces a small ...
probe in themedium to be measured - The measuredpHandtemperature values are displayed. The readings are updatedtwice a second. Hold readings manually: ON/HOLD. : ON/HOLD. - If Auto-Hold is on, AUTO HOLD flashes untilthe instrument has founda stable pH reading. The readings are...
In an AI-Driven Future, Turf Dancers Share the Meaning of Their Movements 11/16/2023 · Art,Art and Technology,Performance and Conceptual Gary ‘Ice Cold 3000’ Morgan (center) dances with Mud Water Theatre members during rehearsal for ‘Mud Water IV’ at the Bayview Opera House. Created by...
The reason I have chosen to use the term is because the combination of ‘cyber’ and ‘feminism’ allows novices to quickly connote its meaning and speaks to its lineage and evolution. This includes branches like Cyberfeminism 2.0 (378), black cyberfeminism (475), xenofeminism (643), post-...
interviewer, if they wish, to probe deeper into the initial responses of the respondent to gain a more detailed answer to the question. The richness of the data is therefore entirely dependent on the interviewer. They themselves, must judge how much or how little they should probe or say ...
well-type sensor devices as mentioned above can be contemplated, which do not require a net liquid flow. Rather, the terminology ‘flow path” as used herein should be understood as meaning a surface or a volume adapted to receive a liquid, which liquid may, if necessary, be set in motion...
As used in this application, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, each of the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below. Additional definitions are set forth throughout the application. “Administering” refers to the physical introduction of a composition comprising a ...
Several studies have used variations of the YSZ probe. An early study by Inda et al. [54] showed that the YSZ probe followed an almost Nernstian response to potential as a function of pH and gave a stable pH reading within 30 s, as opposed to other probes, which can take significantly...
meaning the largest values among all conditions, as shown inTable 1. The highest pH variations from pH 2 to 7 caused by potential fluctuation (ΔV), potential drift (V′), and potential deviation (δV) were 0.009, 0.09, and 0.1 mV, respectively, and in the worst cases were 0.6, 6.3...