theworkingprincipleofpH meterwas introduced,themeasurementuncertainty ofpH meterwasevaluatedbasedonJJG 119—2005laboratorypH meter verificationregulationandJJF1059-1999evaluationandexpressionofmeasurementuncertainty. Keywords:pH;Assessment;Uncertainty 土壤的酸碱性是土壤在形成过程 中受生物、气 1.3 数学模型 候 、...
放大器将提高 pH 读数的准确性,就像温度计增加有关温度的计算一样。为了精确测量溶液中酸度、碱度和中性的含量,该组件将确保电压计数在 0–14 的 pH 范围内。温度计探头一些 pH 计可以测量被采样溶液的温度并将该信息纳入仪表读数(溶液的温度直接影响 pH)。此功能称为“自动温度补偿(ATC)”。 pH计操作程序 让...
If the pH-meter fails to show the correct pH-value for the second buffer solution, consult the manufacturer’s manual. A deviation of, or exceeding, 0,2 pH-units, rounded to the nearest 0,1 pH unit, indicates a faulty electrode. In addition, a slow but continuous increase or decrease ...
3. The meter and electrodes should be standardized daily at both pH 4 and 7 to assure accurate measurements. 4. Dilution of high viscosity syrups is necessary for pH measurement even though the pH value may be altered. The lower viscosities of high fructose corn syrups permit pH measure...
pH计研制与开发 董金伟 朱维涛 吴 寅 (上海理工大学光电学院 上 海 200093) 摘 要 主要介绍了pH酸度计的工作原理,性能特点,电路设计及应用。关键词 高阻;电极;信号放大中图分类号 TP216 The Research of pH Meter Dong Jinwei, Zhu ...
metermayoperateonanull-detectionprincipleormayutilizedationsforelectrodestorage.Glasselectrodesmaybeallowed digitalreadoutoradirectdeflectionmeterwithalargescale.tobecomedry(seeNote2),andreferenceelectrodesshallbe Powermaybesuppliedbybatteriesora-coperationmaybecappedtopreventundueevaporation. ...
A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding Analytical biochemistry, 72 (1–2) (1976), pp. 248-254, 10.1016/0003-2697(76)90527-3 View PDFView articleGoogle Scholar Boulet et al., 2001 M. Boulet, M. Br...
Ion-selective microelectrodes (ISMEs) are, in principle, similar topH electrodes. The invention of these ultrafine probes in the early 1970s made it possible to record in live tissues the changes in the concentration of certain ions while these changes happen. ISMEs are made of double barreled...
SWAN计算型PH表说明书.pdf,AMI Deltacon Power Version 4.12 and later l a u n a M s ’ r o t a r e p O A-96.250.451 / 080714 Customer Support SWAN and its representatives maintain a fully trained staff of technical specialists around the world. For any tech
Yes, Yes, the principle is still to measure the pH in the soil moisture, so it will be affected by the soil moisture, and the drier the soil, the greater the error. Installation method: Dig out a pit,fill the pit with some water, stir the soil into a slurry, and then place the ...