What is displayed depends on whether the meter is on the home screen, in a sub menu or a function is being selected. On the home screen, the status bar will display information regarding the probe, e.g. Probe disconnected or Calibration OK. When a sub menu is selected, it will show ...
以分度值为 0.01pH 的酸度计为例,其半宽为 表 2 单独校准 电计部分其各校准点测量不确定度 TabIe2M easurementuncertaintiesofdifierentcalibration 0.005pH,按照均匀分布计算 ,则: pointsduringseparatecalibrationofelectricmeterpart “=0.005/ =0.0029pH (2)重复测量引入的标准不确定度 用A类标准不确定度评定,对...
to obtain a calibration sheet 1. Next, when the electrode of a pH meter is calibrated in measuring pH, the sheet 1 is arranged so as to be closely brought into contact with the surface of a pH electrode 3 and a predetermined amount of pure water 4 is dripped on the sheet 1 to form...
measurementerroroccurs,itmustbecalibratedwiththemeterforcalibration. Whenthecalibrationandmeasurementcannotbeperformedwhilethesensorisbeingmaintained andmaintainedintheabovemanner,thesensorhasfailed.Pleasereplacethesensor. StandardbufferpHreferencetable Temp(℃) ...
Watch a pH meter calibration using the Orion Lab Star PH111 pH/mV Bench Meter. Explore Multiparameter Meters Measure pH, ion concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature with a single, powerful meter. Our bench and portable multiparameter meters are des...
校准决定测量设备的性能。 通过常规 pH 计和电导率仪的校准和调整可以实现安全测量,确保合规,并且避免不精确测量造成的代价。 通过一致的流程持续合规,并遵循地方和全球规定和标准,例如: GLP USP/EP DIN CNAS认可的实验室pH(酸度)计校准 校准是确保质量的关键 凭借只有梅特勒托利多才能提供的校准和...
Calibration User selectable 1, 2 or 3 point Automatic buffer recognition Jenway (2.00, 4.00, 7.00, 9.20 Temperature Range ATC and manual temperature 0 to 100°C compensation Outputs Ordering Information Part Code 3510 pH/mV meter supplied with glass combination pH electrode (924 005), electrode ...
pH/ORP Bench Meter (Lab Star series) Versatile, high-performance laboratory metersEasy to use, dependable laboratory metersEconomical, simplified laboratory meters Ideal for applications in:Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, industrialEnvironmental, water/ wastewater, food & beverage...
junction to renew the electrode refer- ence (it is recommended to cut the • To activate the electrode, immerse it in HI70300 cloth leaving always at least 2 mm - storage solution for 2 hours. 1/8 over the reference compartment) CALIBRATION and recalibrate the meter. • Immerse the ...