cow manureanaerobic co-digestionpHbiogasIn order to make the process more sustainability and more efficient in co-digestion of kitchen waste (KW) and cow manure (CM), the effect of pH controlling at initial fermentation time (I), first gas stagnation time (A), and combination of both times...
This study used a single-group randomized design method with the treatment factor being the dose of cow manure compost consisting of five dose levels (5 t ha-1, 10 t ha-1, 15 t ha-1, 20 t ha-1, and 25 t ha-1). Each treatment level was replicated with ...
A piece of silicone tubing, with an outer and inner diameter of 1 cm and 0.7 cm respectively, was connected at the bottom of the cone. The tube was routed up the column to near the top edge. A T-piece was fitted at the top of the tube to assist in fluid level adjustment. The ...
After a 60-d storage experiment with raw and treated slurries, the level of E. coli was below the sanitization limit for all samples. Storage had no significant impact on slurry characteristics, except for ammonium-nitrogen content. Acidification treatment minimized ammonia losses. Keywords: pig ...
The ammonia fluxes determined in experiment 2 (Table 3) at pH 6.0 were between 0.13 and 0.37 μg NH4-N min−1 and thus in the same order of magnitude as the results of the same pH value level of experiment 1 (0.19 and 0.36 μg NH4-N min−1). The ammonia fluxes determined in...
The aim of the present study was to determine the optimal pH and hydraulic retention time (HRT) values for treating a mixture of sorghum biomass solution with liquid cow manure (in a ratio 95:5 v/v) through anaerobic digestion, in a two-stage system. Batch tests were initially carried ...
Significant differences (p < 0.01) in the microbial communities at phylum level were calculated using one-way or two-way PERMANOVA in PAST 3 (box-cox transformed data, Bray-Curtis distances, 9999 permutations). The compositions of the microbial communities at order and phylum level were charted ...
(DM) yield of maize was increased by the organic P fertilizers equal to or more than TSP in both soils. In the neutral soil, biomass was almost doubled compared to TSP when using one of the fractions (Struvite containing P-Salt) alone or in combination with dried solid fractions. P ...