At school I put large craters in my metal pencil sharpener by leaving it covered in Coca Cola overnight. Coke has an acidity level of 2,4 , i.e. strong vinegar (?), or as we perhaps should say here: "a slightly diluted Montblanc Bordeaux"....
The fact that other foods and beverages we ingest have pH levels far beyond any water we drink is a good sign of the safety of water at nearly every level it is supplied. Here is a drinking water pH level chart alongside some other product pH levels. How Can You Test the pH Level of...
Common sense tells you that you should provide your body with the required nutrients in the right combinations that it needs to digest the food and perform its functions, including the all important maintenance of an alkaline blood pH level of 7.365. Yet, some scientists, chemists adoctors ...
“Cola”则是指可乐果,它是从可乐树果实中提取的成分,同样含有咖啡因和其他化学物质。因此,“Coca-Cola”这个名字既保留了原材料的信息,也成为了这个饮料品牌的标识。 接下来是“cola”,这个词是泛指所有含有可乐果成分的饮料,不仅仅局限于可口可乐品牌。在英语中,“cola”是一个名词,指的是一种含有可乐果提取物...
- 如果要特指可口可乐公司的产品,用“Coca - Cola”这种表达更准确,单独的“cola”可以用来泛指可乐类的饮料,但在日常使用中,没有“coke”那么口语化。例如在一些书面语或者比较正式的场合提到可乐这种饮料时,可能会用“cola”。 2. coke - 在口语中,“coke”使用得更为广泛,它可以用来指代所有类型的可乐饮料,...
Coca-cola. It’s likely you’ve never heard how to use coca cola to clean a toilet! Using coke to clean toilet actually works! Try it! The acidic effect of the drink combats bacteria, while the bubbles loosen the limescale. Tip a bottle into the toilet, preferably overnight, then scrub...