pH HA⇋A-+H+ I(nitial) C(hange) E(quilibrium) Reset table ParameterValue Volume of reaction (in litre, L) Aciddissociation constant ( Ka) pKa pHN/A Calculate Additional Information Although calculating the pH of a monoprotic acid or base is quite simple, doing so for a polyprotic co... D3EmXgorDDEEXXo-Or PDBE/kXg- lOedPBto/kagslheadrptodaecsrheaarspe odfetchreeaesdeeomfathoef tehdeeamnakloefwthitehiann2k4lehw–LitCh-iCny254.5h-D–LECX--COyP5B.5_-iD.v.E(XC-SOdPeBc_rie.avs.e(CbyS 3d8e%creinasaenkblye)3a8n%diLnCa-nCkyl...
Kaewtong, C.; Wanno, B.; Uppa, Y.; Morakot, N.; Pulpoka, B.; Tuntulani, T. Facile Synthesis of Rhodamine-based Highly Sensitive and Fast Responsive Colorimetric and Off-On Fluorescent Reversible Chemosensors for Hg2+: Preparation of a Fluorescent Thin Film Sensor. Dalton Trans. 2011, ...
分析及建议: 应该是快要来月经了,很多人来月经前就是白带里有粉色 然后慢慢就来了,不会 炎症还有异味 瘙痒症状,所以不是炎症 和感冒熬夜有关系,没事的 这不是病 ,咱们观察观察,思想别紧张 也会影响月经来潮。 咨询时间: 2017-10-12 患者 透明白带里面有点浅粉色、怎么回事啊?我明天就要来月经了。(女,27岁...
El-Tarabily KA, Hardy GESJ, Sivasithamparam K, Kurtböke ID (1996) Microbiological differences between limed and unlimed soils and their relationship with cavity spot disease of carrots (Daucus carota L.) caused by Pythium coloratum in Western Australia. Plant Soil 183:279–290 Article CAS...
Shinrin-Yoku umschreibt das „Bad in der Atmosphäre des Waldes“. In diesem Kapitel geht es um die Atmosphäre des Waldes. Sie basiert auf den besonderen klimatischen Faktoren der Wälder und deren Austausch mit der Umgebung und der...
第一次这样。在擦又是正常透明白带。但是比以前多。 患者 怎么要是是来月经怎么没有血了。 患者 我也想不出来别的原因。我产后9几个月恶露完后就来月经。月月规律。第一次这样。 史瑜华医生 很多人来月经前就是白带里有粉色 然后慢慢就来了 患者 ...
In this chapter the author explores the potential roles of solution pH, pKa of phenolic acids and the pH-pKa relationships in modifying the behavior of cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus) treated with simple phenolic acids and/or mixtures of simple phen
The idea that glycosphingolipids (or, briefly, glycolipids) are ubiquitous components of plasma membrane and display cell type-specific patterns perhaps stemmed from the classical studies on glycolipids of erythrocyte membranes.(1,2) Subsequently, plasma
Chapter First Online:01 January 2014 pp 341–365 Cite this chapter Targeted Drug Delivery : Concepts and Design Eameema Muntimadugu, Anjali Jain& Wahid Khan Part of the book series:Advances in Delivery Science and Technology((ADST))