Chemistry DictionaryDefinition of pH What is pH? The pH scale is alternatively sometimes called the pH-acid-base scale and sometimes just the acid-base scale. In neutral solutions, i.e. those that are neither acidic nor basic, pH = 7.0. Acidic solutions are those with pH less than 7,...
Explore Chemistry Topic corrosive active residue emulsion part polyunsaturated precipitate neutralize sulphide herbicide chemical reaction vitamin surface tension atomic number prussic acid amalgam crystal radiology water-soluble distill molecule ionize contaminated steam pH ...
pH noun /ˌpi ˈeɪtʃ/ [singular](chemistry) a measurement of the level of acid oralkaliin asolutionor substance. In thepHrange of 0 to 14 a reading of below 7 shows an acid and of above 7 shows analkalia pH of 7.5to test the pH level of the soil ...
Mathematical definition of pH is a little less intuitive but more useful in general. It states that the pH equals the negative logarithmic value of the concentration of hydrogen ion (H+) pH = -log [H+] A water source ‘s pH value is a function of its acidity, or alkalinity. The pH ...
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has a slightly different pH scale based on electrochemical measurements of a standardbuffer solution. Essentially, the definition uses the equation: pH = -log aH+ where aH+stands for hydrogen activity, which is the effective concentration...
Because of uncertainty about the physical significance of the hydrogen ion concentration, the definition of the pH is an operational one; i.e., it is based on a method of measurement. The U.S.National Institute of Standards and Technologyhas defined pH values in terms of theelectromotive force...
Define PH balance. PH balance synonyms, PH balance pronunciation, PH balance translation, English dictionary definition of PH balance. abbr. Bible Philippians abbr. 1. penthouse 2. public health 3. Purple Heart n. A measure of the acidity or alkalinity o
534COMMISSIONS ON ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND ELECTROCHEMISTRY1.DEFINITIONS1.1 Notionaldefinition. The concept of pH first introduced (ref. 1) aspH =lgc(1)where CH is the hydrogen ion concentration (in mol dm3), was subsequently modified topH =_lga(2)where a11 is the (relative) hydrogen ion...
In subject area: Chemistry pH effect refers to the strong influence of pH on hydrogen production, as it affects the efficiency of enzymatic reactions in microorganisms and the oxidation-reduction potential of cells. It is an important chemical parameter in BioH2 production, with the optimal pH val...
The pH scale is used to measure the pH level to know whether a solution is acidic, neutral, or basic. The scale is from 0 to 14; anything less than 7... Learn more about this topic: The pH Scale | Definition, Equation & Examples ...