ph del suelofertilizer applicationaplicacion de abonosnitrogencultivos de primaveraThe effect of soil pH on utilization of fertilizer nitrogen and its balance in the system soil - plant were studied in small-plot field trials. Nitrogen fertilizers was applied at rates 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N/ha...
a deep study of the effect of pH on swelling and deswelling degree has been accomplished. Figure9reports swelling and deswelling degrees of gelatin beads along the time as a function of pH level.
Villatoro M, Henríquez C, Sancho F (2008) Comparación de los interpoladores IDW y Kriging en la variación espacial de PH, Ca, CICE y P del suelo. Agronomía Costarricense 32(1):95–105Villatoro M, Henríquez C, Sancho F (2008) Comparación de los interpoladores IDW y Kriging en la...