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Contact us today: pgys@pgys.com Same day delivery in Côte d'Azur. We maintain daily deliveries, 7 days a week along the whole of the Côte d'Azur. Using our extensive range of local and international suppliers we can get you what you need quickly. SHOP NOW Worldwide express delivery...
M50747-PGYS 规格参数 是否Rohs认证: 不符合 生命周期: Obsolete 包装说明: SDIP, SDIP64,.75 Reach Compliance Code: unknown 风险等级: 5.92 位大小: 8 CPU系列: MELPS740 JESD-30 代码: R-PDIP-T64 JESD-609代码: e0 端子数量: 64 最高工作温度: 70 °C 最低工作温度: -10 °C 封装...
部件名M50753-PGYS 下载M50753-PGYS下载 文件大小288.24 Kbytes 页6 Pages 制造商MITSUBISHI [Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor] 网页http://www.mitsubishichips.com 标志 功能描述TheM50753-PGYSis anEPROMmounted-typemicrocomputeremployingasilicongateCMOSprocessandwasdesignedfordevelopingprogramsforsingle-chip ...