2011-11-15' +cast(-1*(TO_NUMBER(to_char(DATE '2011-11-15','D'),'99')-2) ||' days...
所有这些操作符都是PostgreSQL特有的。 2. SIMILAR TO正则表达式: SIMILAR TO根据模式是否匹配给定的字符串而返回真或者假。 string SIMILAR TO pattern [ESCAPE escape-character] string NOT SIMILAR TO pattern [ESCAPE escape-character] 它和LIKE非常类似,支持LIKE的通配符('_'和'%')且保持其原意。除此之外,SIM...
age(timestamp,timestamp)获取两个时间之差返回 days PG查询最近⼀个⽉内的数据 select * from 表名 as n and n.create_date>=to_timestamp(substring(to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:MI:ss') FROM 1 FOR 10),'yyyy-MM-dd')- interval '30 day';补充:postgresql 查询当前时间 需求:...
select floor(to_number(sysdate-to_date('2007-11-02 15:55:03','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))) as spanDays from dual //时间差-天 select floor(to_number(sysdate-to_date('2007-11-02 15:55:03','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))*24) as spanHours from dual //时间差-时 select floor(to_...
1、利⽤TO_DAYS函数 select to_days(now()) - to_days('20120512')2、利⽤DATEDIFF函数 select datediff(now(),'20120512')参数1 - 参数2 等于间隔天数 3、利⽤TIMESTAMPDIFF函数 计算两⽇期时间之间相差的天数,秒数,分钟数,周数,⼩时数,这⾥主要分享的是通过MySql内置的函数 TimeStampDiff(...
justify_interval(interval) interval 使用justify_days和justify_hours调整时间间隔的同时进行正负号调整 justify_interval(interval '1 mon -1 hour') 29 days 23:00:00 localtime time 当日时间; localtimestamp timestamp 当前事务开始时的时间戳; make_date(year int, month int, day int) date 为年、月...
pg_get_tabledef was considered in the early days (PostgreSQL 8.2), but was ultimately cast aside due to supposed complexities involved when compared to pg_dump and different PG versions. So since that time, everybody has been writing their own take on what getting table DDL should look like...
🖨 Converting an AST to SQLThat's super easy:import { toSql } from 'pgsql-ast-parser'; const sql: string = toSql.statement(myAst);Like with astVisitor() or astModifier(), you can also convert subparts of AST to SQL (not necessarily a whole statement) by calling other methods of...
defposters_weekly():res = db.fetchall("SELECT u.login, count(p.id) cnt ""FROM posts.posts p ""JOIN users.logins u ON p.author=u.id ""WHERE p.created::date > now() - interval '7 days' AND p.private=false ""GROUP BY u.login ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 20;") ...
parseIntervalLiteral()parsesinterval inputsliterals (such asP1Y2DT1Hor1 yr 2 days 1 hr) FAQ How to parse named parameters like:name?👉Seehere(TLDR) Can I get detailed a location for each AST node ?👉Yes. Pass the option{locationTracking: true}toparse(), and use thelocationOf(node...