DELETED 61 int2 [NULL] [NULL] true [NULL] 软删除标记 代码实体: public class ABC{ private bool isDelete = false; //[Comment("软删除标记")] /// /// 软删除标记 /// [SugarColumn(ColumnName = "IsDeleted",IsNullable = true,ColumnDescription = "软删除标记默认false")] public bool Is...
在上期月报PgSQL · 特性分析 · 数据库崩溃恢复(上),我们分析了PostgreSQL在数据库非正常退出后(包括通过recovery.conf用户主动恢复)的处理,概括起来分为以下几步: 1.如果满足以下条件之一,则进行非正常退出恢复 pg_control文件中的数据库状态不正常(非DB_SHUTDOWNED) pg_control文件中记录的最新检查点读取不到XLO...
PG_RMGR(RM_XACT_ID, "Transaction", xact_redo, xact_desc, NULL, NULL) PG_RMGR(RM_SMGR_ID, "Storage", smgr_redo, smgr_desc, NULL, NULL) PG_RMGR(RM_CLOG_ID, "CLOG", clog_redo, clog_desc, NULL, NULL) PG_RMGR(RM_DBASE_ID, "Database", dbase_redo, dbase_desc, NULL, NULL)...
2. 在SQL函数中使用pgsql_fdw的外部表正常. postgres=# create or replace function f_test1() returns int as $$ postgres$# select id from test limit 1; postgres$# $$ language sql; CREATE FUNCTION postgres=# select * from f_test1(); f_test1 --- 1 (1 row) 3. 在plpgsql函数中使用oracl...
@role_name = NULL, @supports_net_changes = 1 GO 查询是否启用 -- 库是否启用cdc SELECT name,is_cdc_enabled FROM sys.databases; -- 表是否启用cdc SELECT name,is_tracked_by_cdc FROM sys.tables; 2)配置SQLServer连接信息 [atguigu@hadoop102 config]$ curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/...
But when last element of vector "r" is produced, first elements of vector "r1" are already thrown from CPU cache, as well as first elements of "x" and "y" vectors. So when we need to calculate (x-y) we once again have to load data for "x" and "y" from slow memory to fast...
简介:背景为了合并I/O提高性能,PostgreSQL数据库引入了共享缓冲区,当数据库非正常关闭,比如服务器断电时,共享缓冲区即内存中的数据就会丢失,这个时候数据库操作系统重启时就需要从非正常状态中恢复过来,继续提供服务。本文将具体分析在这种情况下,PostgreSQL数据库如何从崩溃状态中恢复。上期月报PgSQL · 特性分析 · ...
-- 比较所有not null 字段 select count(*) into v_equal_count from work_table_table_digoal t1,table_digoal t2 where and t1.cn_id = t2.cn_id and t1.cn_name = t2.cn_name and t1.cn_type = t2.cn_type and t1.requestor = t2.requestor ...