ios string 字幕转 nsarray pgs字幕转srt PGS(Presentation graphic stream):图形字幕流,是用来显示蓝光电影中的字幕的流。当蓝光盘中的PGS格式的字幕被分离存储的时候通常保存在一个以sup为扩展名的文件中。(也可以以字幕流的形式封装在TS文件的pes包中)。 PGS有一个个的功能片段组成,这些片段通常包含下面的头部。
If your media player doesn’t support the PGS subtitle format, it is best to convert PGS to SRT, compatible with all platforms and devices. Check out this post to learn how to perform PGS to SRT conversion.
docker run -it --rm \ -v /data:/data \ -e INPUT=/data/myImageSubtitle.sup \ -e OUTPUT=/data/ \ -e LANGUAGE=eng \ tentacule/pgstosrt Hint: The default arguments coming fromDockerfileareINPUT=/input.supandOUTPUT=/, so you can easily: ...
问从mkv到srt提取hdmv pgs字幕EN我的理解是PGS是位图字幕。换句话说,这是一堆图片显示的字幕,只是简...
首先我们 文件 -> 打开 一个字幕文件,或者直接拖动一个字幕文件到程序界面左上角的表格窗口。字幕文件可以是 ASS/SSA,或 SRT,如果你没有字幕文件,你可以自己写一个,或者去看第四节弄一个。不管你有没有弄好字幕,呃,我们继续: 导出SUP 如图所示,添加字幕后,选择 文件 -> 导出 -> Blu-ray SUP,将打开另外...
常用的有SRT\ass\SSA,属文本字幕,体积很小。至于PGS,是 presentation graphic steam的简称,意为图形字幕流,为蓝光高清封装采用的图形字幕,跟DVD采用的图形字幕略有区别,主要是可以封装为TS流的格式。另外DVB数字电视广播采用DVB Subtitling格式图形字幕。<...
SRT, SSA, IDX, ASS, etc. When a Blu-ray is ripped into.m2ts streams, the .sup subtitles can be extracted by demuxing the M2TS using tsMuxer.SRT subtitles– The .srt is primarily associated to DivX, DVD and some other video formats (e.g. MKV) as external subtitle format. SRT files ...
git clone cd pgs-to-srt-ffsubsync npm install npm run build npm run start -- --src /path/to/your/media Requirements The following need to be available on PATH: ffmpeg - v4.2.4 ffsubsync - v0.4.6 node - v14 License MITAbout...
Sup to SrtConvert PGS subtitles (.sup files) to srtWant to convert many sup files at once? Take a look at the sup batch tool (premium only) Select a .sup fileConvert About .sup files Sup subtitles are a type of subtitle commonly used on Blu-rays, HD DVDs and normal DVDs. The ...