pg_dump -U postgres -t table db1 | psql -U postgres -W db2 The command will ask me to type password. I have googled an article to dicuss this Create a ~/.pgpass file in user’s...
之前查资料查了好久,才找到 "pg_dump \"host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s\" > d...
export PGPASSFILE=.pgpass ; export PGSSLROOTCERT=development-pg-cert ; export PGSSLMODE=verify-full ; pg_dump -w --port=32109 --file=2022_12_21_12_56-development/2022_12_21_12_56-development.dmp pg_dump: error: connection to server at "" (
PGPASSFILE=/opt/custom/backup/.pgpass pg_dump -U dbuser -w mydatabase >/var/custom/backups/pg_dump.mydatabase.sql passfile URI parameter If you use the URI format to provide the database, you can add the passfile parameter to it. Example: pg_dump -w "postgresql://dbuser@localhos...
pg_dump: error: connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "[my windows username]" The system cannot find the path specified. I noticed it seems to be using my windows username in the connection. If this is ...
See the pg_hba.conf documentation for more infos. Another way could be to execute the dump script under a privileged user. For my machines here, the user postgres can dump all databases without entering a password. su postgres -c ... to run the backupjob under user postgres. ...
I'm trying to write an Ant target for Postgres to do a backup using the pg_dump exe command - however, it prompts for a password and I see no option for passing in a password. I don't want to have to put 'trust' into the .conf file - is there another way to pass in a pass...
pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner --dbname=postgresql://db_user:password@ as per Components of the hierarchical part of the URI can also be given ...