3.A.pGL3-Basic Vector The pGL3-Basic Vector lacks eukaryotic promoter and enhancer sequences,allowing maximum flexibility in cloning putative regulatory sequences Expression of luciferase activity in cells transfected with this plasmid depends on insertion and proper orientation of a functional promoter up...
PGL3-Basic Vector 下载积分: 388 内容提示: T e c h n i c a l M a n u a lpGL3 Luciferase ReporterVectorsINSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF PRODUCTS E1741, E1751, E1761 ANDE1771.PRINTED IN USA.Revised 1/07Part# TM033AF9 TM0 3 3 0 1 0 7 TM0 3 3tm033. 0107. qxp 1/19/2007 9: ...
pGL3-Basic Vector质粒图谱及其说明pGL3-Basic Vector The pGL3-Basic Vector lacks eukaryotic promoter and enhancer sequences, allowing maximum flexibility in cloning putative regulatory sequences. Expression of luciferase activity in cells transfected with this plasmid depends on insertion and proper ...
Vector ...5 pGL3-Control Vector ...6 Cloning Strategies...
pGL3-Basic Vector Restriction Sites.18 H. pGL3-Enhancer Vector Restriction Sites.20 I.pGL3-Promoter Vector Restriction Sites.23 J.pGL3-Control Vector Restriction Sites.26 K. Related Products.28 pGL3 Luciferase Reporter Vectors All technical literature is available on the Internet at: 6、Please ...
pGL3-Basic-Vector质粒图谱及其说明.pdf,T e c h n i c a l M a n u a l pGL3 Luciferase Reporter Vectors INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF PRODUCTS E1741, E1751, E1761 AND E1771. PRINTED IN USA. Revised 12/08 Part# TM033 A F 9 T M0 3 3 1 2 0 8 T M0 3 3 pGL3 Luciferase
pGL3-Basic VectorThis vector can be obtained from Promega Corporation, Madison, WI. Call one of the following numbersfor order or technical information.Order or Technical 1-800-356-9526Outside U.S. 608-274-4330pGL3-Basic Vector sequence reference points:Base pairs 4818 basesPromoter (none)...
pgl3-basic vector中文promegapromega公司荧光素酶技术系列产品指南公司荧光素酶技术系列产品指南promegapromega公司荧光素酶技术系列产品指南公司荧光素酶技术系列产品指南promegapromega公司荧光素酶技术系列产品指南公司荧光素酶技术系列产品指南 荧光素酶报告基因载体 —— pGL3 产品pGL3-Control Vector pGL3-Basic Vector ...
B. C. D. pGL3-Basic Vector ...3 pGL3-Enhancer Vector ...4 pGL3-Promoter Vector ...
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