PostgreSQL JDBC驱动可以从多个途径获取: Maven中央仓库:如果你使用Maven构建Java项目,可以在pom.xml文件中添加以下依赖来获取JDBC驱动:xml <dependency> <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>你的版本号</version> &...
Build and install into your local maven folder. ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -x test -x checkstyleMain Finally, use it by adding the lines below to your project. (Use the latest version available) <dependency> <groupId>com.yugabyte</groupId> <artifactId>jdbc-yugabytedb</artifactId> <versi...
Maven CentralYou can search on The Central Repository with GroupId and ArtifactId org.postgresql:postgresql.<!-- Add the following dependency to your pom.xml, --> <!-- replacing LATEST with specific version as required --> <dependency> <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>...
Most people do not need to compile PgJDBC. You can download the precompiled driver (jar) from thePostgreSQL JDBC siteor using your chosen dependency management tool: Maven Central You can search on The Central Repository with GroupId and ArtifactId for: <dependency><groupId>org.postgresql</grou...
To verify that you've installed Java and see what version you have, run java -version. Download and install Maven. Installed the AWS SDK for Java 2.x.Connect to an Aurora DSQL cluster and run queries package org.example; import
To verify that you've installed Java and see what version you have, run java -version. Download and install Maven. Installed the AWS SDK for Java 2.x.Connect to an Aurora DSQL cluster and run queries package org.example; import
2019.09.10优化以及更新Maven依赖,减少打包体积. 1.修复mapper接口load方法,但是xml中方法不匹配问题. 2.移除mapper中CRUD时的@param 注解,会影响xml的解析(感谢@caojiantao的反馈). 3.优化MyBatis的xml文件对Oracle的支持.(感谢@wylove1992的反馈). 4.新增对boolean的处理(感谢@violinxsc的反馈)以及优化tinyint类...
源码: 这是没有使用连接池的 目录 创建的sql语句create.sql maven配置pom.xml Base实体类 mysql连接配置 重点,jdbc配置JdbcUtil.j MySQL JDBC sql java ide 转载 mb5fe55a1c73221 2019-05-04 18:00:00 73阅读 1 2 3 4 5 精品课程 免费...
sql 预编译处理的,目前测试发现主要是对于tds-fdw 扩展引起的异常比较严重,会造成db 异常 ,然后自动恢复, 同时会造成连接异常,如果还需要使用连接池比较推荐使用hikari,需要我们需要的配置参数是禁用预编译存储处理 参考配置 maven 依赖 添加HikariCP依赖 <dependency> ...
ant -lib lib snapshot-version maven-dependencies In Eclipse, File -> New -> Java Project Uncheck "Use default location" and find your git clone of PgJDBC then press Next Under Source, open "configure inclusion and exclusion filters"