PGIM India Small Cap Fund Direct - Growth returns of last 1-year are 24.12%. Since launch, it has delivered 17.60% average annual returns. PGIM India Small Cap Fund Direct - Growth scheme's ability to deliver returns consistently is lower than most funds of its category. Its ability to co...
Mutual Fund investing is now easy. PGIM India Mutual Fund offers funds across categories: equity, debt, hybrid & international fund of funds.
PGIM India Large And Mid Cap Fund PGIM India Large Cap Fund PGIM India Liquid Fund PGIM India Midcap Opportunities Fund PGIM India Money Market Fund PGIM India Multi Cap Fund PGIM India Overnight Fund PGIM India Retirement Fund PGIM India Small Cap Fund ...
PGIM India Phoenix Portfolio Small Today. Large Tomorrow. PGIM India Phoenix Portfolio seeks out small and mid-cap companies that are close to an inflection point in their lifecycle either due to a cyclical or structural changes. Especially ones that are about to experience an upturn in their se...
India0.8 % Italy0.7 % Netherlands0.7 % United Kingdom0.6 % Other1.2 % Cash/Equiv1.2 % PGIM ESG IMPACT RATINGS DISTRIBUTION1(%) Portfolio Attributes Table ScoreFund 85-1000.9 %0.1 65-8018.8 %15.9 40-6080.3 %57.1 20-350.0 %13.7 0-150.0 %0.8 ...
Fund Type Open End Mutual Fund Name As of 12/13/2024 Price Aum/Mkt Cap YIELD Exp Ratio Watchlist PGIM Short Duration Multi-Sector Bond Fund SDMAX | Fund $8.91 $3.55 B 3.95% $0.35 0.68% SDMAX - Profile Distributions YTD Total Return5.7% ...
Fund to above-average fluctuations as a result of seeking higher than average capital growth.Small- and Mid-cap investmentsmay be subject to more erratic market movements than large-cap stocks.Geographic concentrationmay cause the Fund's performance to be closely tied to the market, economic, ...
India25.3 % China24.1 % Taiwan24.0 % Brazil10.5 % Argentina4.5 % Indonesia3.5 % United States3.4 % South Korea1.2 % Cash/Equiv3.7 % FUND STATISTICSas of 10/31/2024 Portfolio Attributes Table Avg Weighted Market Cap ($mil)27,971.34
Mutual Fund investing is now easy. PGIM India Mutual Fund offers funds across categories: equity, debt, hybrid & international fund of funds.
PGIM India Large Cap Fund ₹594 Crs 11.37% 14.43% PGIM India Small Cap Fund ₹1,558 Crs 21.37% N.A. See all Equity funds from this AMC Frequently asked questions How fund report card works Identifying a top performing fund that consistently creates wealth can be a challenging task due...