Convenient systems for the routine subcloning of PCR products. Shop Promega pGEM™-T and pGEM™-T Easy Vector Systems at
pGEM T and pGEM T Easy Vector Systems FB033PDF(202 KB)– English Video Protocols Specifications You are viewing:A1360Change Configuration What's in the box? ItemPart #SizeConcentrationAvailable Separately pGEM®-T Easy Vector A137A1 × 1.2μg50ng/μl ...
Promega Notes MagpGem-T and pGem-T Easy vector systems, instructions for use of procedures A1360, A1380, A3600, A3610, technical manual. Dostopno preko strani (20.04.2012) t-easy-vector-systems-protocol/...
pGEM®-T Easy Vector System I市场价: ¥0.0 产品描述: ¥0.00 货号: A1360 名称: pGEM®-T Easy Vector System I 品牌: Promega 规格: 20reactions 产品描述: pGEM® -T Easy 载体系统是克隆 PCR 产物的方便系统。它除 了具有 pGEM® -T 载体系统 (Cat.# A3600, A3610) 所有的...
pgemvectoreasysystems载体cloning Revised12/10 TM042 TECHNICALMANUAL pGEM ® -TandpGEM ® -T EasyVectorSystems Instruc onsforUseofProducts A1360,A1380,A3600andA3610 Alltechnicalliteratureisavailableat:.promega/protocols/ VisitthewebsitetoverifythatyouareusingthemostcurrentversionofthisTechnicalManual. E...
Revised12/10TM042TECHNICALMANUALpGEM®-TandpGEM®-TEasyVectorSystemsInstruc onsforUseofProductsA1360,A1380,A3600andA3..
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PromegaA3600 pGEM®‐T Easy Vector System Promega有2,000多种产品,致力于提高范围内的科学家对基因组学、蛋白质组学、细胞分析、分子诊断和遗传鉴定等领域的认知。细胞活力检测,细胞凋亡,逆转录酶,PCR产物提取 产品介绍 Promega公司是为生命科学产业提供创新型解决方案和的*。公司拥有2,000多种产品,致力于提高...