dollars in 2023. The reported fiscal year ends on December 31.Compared to the earliest depicted value from 2019 this is a total increase by approximately 40.5 billion U.S. dollars. The trend from 2019 to 2023 shows, furthermore, that this increase happened continuously....
On top of the 14% rate increase already imposed this year, another fee hike will be considered in April. More major increases are in the works for 2023 into 2026 "Forty dollars a month increase for 2023 and by 2020 that will have grown to nearly fifty dollars a month of increase," sai...
A feed-in tariff program for small bioenergy renewable generators less than 5 MWe in size, Califonia’s BioMat program applies a reverse auction procedure where Cortus will now be able to reach the highest electricity price (US$199.97 per MWh). With approval for participation in upcoming auction...