1PgC=1015gC=109tC 在国际单位制(The International System of Units,SI)中Pg是Petagram的缩写 Peta...
Kim KH , Lee B , Kim YR ,et al. Evaluating protective and therapeutic effects of alpha-lipoic acid on cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Cell Death Dis 2018;9:827. 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [4] Florea AM , Busselberg D . Cisplatin as an anti-tumor drug: cellular mechanis...
从各个赛区参赛队伍来看,PCL赛区的我们并不占什么优势,而作为传统的FPS游戏统治地位的欧美赛区更是在参赛队伍数量保有绝对的优势,而韩国战队在各种电竞项目的运营上一直让我们印象深刻,面对如此大的压力,希望我们PCL的小伙子们可以拿出气势,打出风采,捍卫我们作为游戏第一大区的荣耀,在赛场上再次喊出“China NO.1”的...
#PGC全球总决赛# 【赛场麦克风——逗木破音报点】 @Vc_夏天 :“他们可能从右侧拉过来” @小耳朵SorryAmigo :“没事,我这边有掩体” @黑潮i :“跟我一起扔雷” @小耳朵SorryAmigo :“右边可以顶,夏天跟我”“倒一个!...
PPARγ、PGC-1α、Nrf2、γ-GCS-HS的蛋白表达水平。(2)临床实验:手术切除肺 癌患者肺组织标本40例,所有患者术前均行肺功能检测,分为对照组、轻度COPD 组、中度COPD组和重度COPD组,各COPD组患者均按照中华医学会2007年版COPD 诊治指南进行严重程度分级,原位杂交分析各组患者肺组织中PPARγ、PGC-1α、 Nrf2和γ...
Pgc-1α Overexpression Downregulates Pitx3 and Increases Susceptibility to MPTP Toxicity Associated with Decreased Bdnf J,Silvaggi JM,Kiselak T, et a1.Pgc-1α overexpression downregulates Pitx3and increases susceptibility to MPTP toxicity associated with decreased Bdnf. PLoS... J Clark,JM Silvaggi,...
alterations in AMPK and PGC-1α activity can lead to metabolic reprogramming that supports the high energy demands of rapidly proliferating cells. For example, AMPK activation regulates mTOR signaling and inhibits cell growth, whereas PGC-1α overexpression promotes mitochondrial function and accelerates ...
WFC.P.L ▲0.15% 1,219.701.80NewsProfileAnalyst Coverage5 Yr. FinancialsDividendsEarningsPrice HistoryEventsInsidersPeapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation News Stock Investing News, Analysis and Tips Oct 27, 2019 5:31 PM EDT PG&E Corp. Cuts Power to Millions in California A total of 940,000 resi...
Our purpose was to examine p38 MAPK and AMPK activation, and PGC-1alpha protein content in whole muscle, cytosolic, and nuclear fractions of human skeletal muscle following an acute bout of endurance exercise. Eight trained men (29 +/- 3 yr; Vo(2peak) = 55 +/- 2 ml.kg(-1).min(-...