My problem is that, when connected, I st...Mysql Query not receiving any data Here's the query I'm trying to run it was working, but now for a reason I can't figure out its now given up. While going through the tables I have come across this. Think this might be the problem....
L"UPDATE pgagent.pga_job SET jobagentid=" + backendPid + L", joblastrun=now() " + L" WHERE jobagentid IS NULL AND jobid=" + jobid); if (rc == 1) { DBresultPtr id = threadConn->Execute( L"SELECT nextval('pgagent.pga_joblog_jlgid_seq') AS id"); if (id) { logid ...
I schedule the job to run every min of every day...just trying to see this utility work... Everything appears to work as per the instructions and help files...however the job just never starts... No history / no stats... Where else can I turn for help if this is not the right...