《PGA TOUR 2K23》是享誉全球、畅销的《PGA TOUR 2K》系列的最新官方游戏。称霸果岭,在知名的球场上大展球技。
PGA TOUR 2K23 is the latest official title in the world-renowned, best-selling PGA TOUR 2K series. Master the greens and showcase your bag of skills on prestigious courses.
2K Genrer: Sport Download af dette produkt er underlagt PlayStation Network Ydelsesbetingelser og vores Brugeraftale for software samt eventuelle specifikke tillægsbetingelser, der gælder for dette produkt. Hvis du ikke kan acceptere disse betingelser, skal du undlade at downloade pr...
Welcome to PGA TOUR 2K23!This edition includes the Standard Edition and dual-gen entitlement plus:• Golden Club Pack: Golden driver, golden putter, and 4 Uncommon tier golf ball sleevesTake your skills on the PGA TOUR and become the next FedExCup Champion as you compete against TOUR pros...
PGA TOUR 2K23 Ultimate Head Start Pack 2K PS4PS5 Ingen vurderinger 0 Ingen vurderinger Kr 149,00 Føj til indkøbsvogn PS Plus er påkrævet for onlinespil Køb i spil er valgfrit Understøtter op til 4 onlinespillere med PS Plus Onlinespil er valgfrit 1– 4 spillere PS5...
PGA TOUR 2K23 features multiple licensed courses, including East Lake Golf Club, St. Georges Golf and Country Club, TPC Scottsdale, and TPC Sawgrass to name a few. CREATE YOUR OWN DREAM COURSES Build your own fantasy fairway with the industry-leading Course Designer, featuring thousands of ...
【5.05】PS4《PGA 巡回赛 2K23.PGA Tour 2K23》中文版PKG下载+1.19补丁!!在《PGA TOUR 2K23》中更潇洒自如地尽情挥杆。更有包括泰格·伍兹在内的更多可玩的男女职业选手、新的授权球场、更多控制选项、原汁原味的美巡赛生涯赛季、球场设计器以及新的自创球员技能和模版!
PGA TOUR 2K23 bevat meerdere gelicentieerde banen, waaronder East Lake Golf Club, St. George’s Golf and Country Club, TPC Scottsdale, en TPC Sawgrass om er een paar te noemen. CREËER JE EIGEN DROOMGOLFBANEN Bouw je eigen fantasie fairway met de toonaangevende Course Designer, met duize...
高尔夫模拟游戏《PGA TOUR 2K23》现已发售,老虎-伍兹为封面球员 IT之家 10 月 16 日消息,2K 本周五宣布推出《PGA TOUR 2K23》,这是 HB Studios 最新推出的高尔夫模拟游戏,现已在全球范围内登陆 PS5、PS4、XSX|S、XboxOne 和 PC(Steam)平台。该作以历史上最伟大的体育巨星“埃尔德里克・‘老虎’・...
TOUR 2K23》通过细致的引导以及循序渐进的难度设置让其无论对于小白还是老油条来说都显得十分友好。但作为一款融合了众多体育游戏元素的游戏来说,它内容最丰富的生涯模式还是显得有些平平无奇了。不过,对于高尔夫爱好者来说,如果想在虚拟世界中体验挥杆击球的快感,那《PGA TOUR 2K23》依然是一款不可多得的佳作。