在Oracle 19c中,pga_aggregate_limit的默认设置值取决于多种因素,包括是否启用了自动内存管理(AMM)、MEMORY_TARGET和PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET的设置等。如果启用了AMM(即设置了MEMORY_TARGET),则pga_aggregate_limit通常等于MEMORY_MAX_TARGET的值。如果没有启用AMM,pga_aggregate_limit的值则根据PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET和其他...
the Database (文档 ID 2610312.1)原因是因为sga_target+pga_aggregate_target>80%的OS物理内存。
Oracle 19C启动报错ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [pga physmem limit] 报错信息如下: PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET specified is high Errorsinfile/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/devdb/devdb1/trace/devdb1_ora_28688.trc (incident=64005): ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [pga physmem ...
NOTE: If a value of 0 is specified for PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT, it means there is no limit to the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance. On 19c(19.7+), The value of PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT has some internal restrictions. For example, its upper limit is calculated from physical memory a...
On 19c(19.7+), The value of PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT has some internal restrictions. For example, its upper limit is calculated from physical memory and the SGA usage. from db alert log will show that. Also, its lower limit requires to be at least 3MB * processes parameter (or 5MB * proce...
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET specified is highErrors in file/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/trace/orcl1_ora_13774.trc (incident=144013):ORA-00700: soft internal error, arguments: [pga physmem limit], [14574157824], [8228128153], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []Incident ...
Therefore it follows that when upgrading from an earlier version, the maximum allowable PGA size (PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT) must be increased to account for the MGA. See the following note for a detailed description of the MGA and its functions:...
在19c的版本上如果PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT 参数被设置成了0(pga_aggregate_limit=0)的话,可能会遭遇Bug 30851951 ,产生过多的KSIPC_MGA.dat文件,进而超过OS的file-max限制导致实例崩溃或者挂起。 这个问题在19.8版本上得到修正。 所以,在19c版本上,设置pga_aggregate_limit=0请留意。
PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT参数由12.1引入,用于对pga进行硬限制。如果超过了该值,报ora-04036错误: [oracle@prodb ~]$ oerr ora 4036 04036, 00000, "PGA memory used by the instance exceeds PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT" // *Cause: Private memory across the instance exceeded the limit specified ...