pg14-database1 appuser =>select*fromschema1.table1 limit 5; ERROR: permission deniedforschemaschema1 LINE 1:select*fromschema1.table1 limit 5 ; 神奇之旅开始,我们可以使用postgresql 14中预先定义的角色: 1 2 pg14-database1 postgres =#grantpg_read_all_datatoappuser ; GRANTROLE 1 2 3 4 ...
but this feature, pg_read_all_data, got me excited and will certainly be a huge relief for real-life usage, especially for beginners! I had almost lost hope we might see this day - but after many years of wishing for it, one of the features most requested by normal business users/...
不断回溯十多个已有的迁移文件,艰难地试图了解目前数据库 schema 的最终形态时,萌生了做一个数据库模...