pg_get_tabledef并不是PostgreSQL内置的函数。在PostgreSQL的官方文档或常见的PostgreSQL扩展中,都找不到这个函数。因此,可以确认pg_get_tabledef函数在PostgreSQL中不存在。 查找类似功能的替代函数或方法: 如果你需要获取表的定义(如表的列、数据类型、约束等),你可以使用PostgreSQL的pg_tables、pg_columns、pg_constra...
pg_get_tabledef was considered in the early days (PostgreSQL 8.2), but was ultimately cast aside due to supposed complexities involved when compared to pg_dump and different PG versions. So since that time, everybody has been writing their own take on what getting table DDL should look like...
不同的数据库表空间有不同的定义: 在 postgres 中,表空间 允许在文件系统中定义数据库对象存储的位置...