我的情况是我本地运行时9.2.15的centos7的系统,但是服务器是9.4.5的centos7系统。如下是我需要做的事情: 到这里选择需要的rpm http://yum.postgresql.org/repopackages.php#pg94 添加rpm到yum的资源库中 sudo rpm -Uvh https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.4/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-cento...
POSTGRESQL 8.3 PG_DUMP, PG_DUMPALL, PG_RESTORE CHEAT SHEET pg_dump, pg_dump_all, pg_restore are all located in the bin folder of the PostgreSQL install and PgAdmin III install. pg_dump dumps a database as a text file or to other formats. Usage: pg_dump [OPTION]... [DBNAME]...
一备份与恢复案例1.备份数据库(全部是innodb,备份所有DB 使用 -A)mysqldump -uroot -p --master-data=2 --single-transaction --hex-blob -E -R --triggers -B testdb >/download/testdb.sql 案例 # cat dbbackup_dump.sh mysqldump备份单表数据 ...
Backup: pg_dump: server version: 10.6; pg_dump version: 9.6.3 pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch I have postgres 10 installed, I assume you've bundled pg_dump 9 with the tool. I couldn't find any way to change the path to pg_dump to the locally installed version ...
Readme Keywords none Package Sidebar Install npm ipg-schema-dump Weekly Downloads 154 Version 2.0.2 License ISC Unpacked Size 127 kB Total Files 52 Last publish 5 months ago Collaborators Tryon RunKit Reportmalware
3)Saltstack自动化运维统一配置管理工具。 4)Git、Jenkins自动化代码上线及自动化测试平台。 5)堡垒...
rpm -Uvh https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.6/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-centos96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm # 查找需要的版本 yum search postgresql --enablerepo=pgdg96 # 安装对应版本的客户端 yum install -y postgresql96 # 查看执行程序路径 ...
Then you need to download PostgreSQL binaries in zip archive, unpack it and find utilities in ...\bin folder. 1 Prateep Kul Created September 27, 2022 04:58 The same question but my PostgreSQL is in docker So I installed the docker plugin successfully. Then ? to fill in the Datagrip...
@echo offSETTableListeFile=C:\Users\mtuna\Documents\dumpfiles\database_list.txtREMSaveing all ...
This setup allows me to easily run the web application nearly unmodified between the downloadable version and the "farm" version (schemas rock!). Now you have the background. Each night I am running: pg_dump --blobs --schema=%s --no-acl -U postgres indefero | gzip > ...