1. 4、PostgreSQL支持sys_guid() Oracle 使用sys_guid()用来产生UUID值。 在PostgreSQL中有类似的函数,需要安装uuid-ossp插件。 如果用户不想修改代码,还是需要使用sys_guid()函数的话,可以自己写一个 DECLARE v_seed_value varchar(32); BEGIN select md5( inet_client_addr()::varchar || timeofday() || ...
host all all0.0.0.0/0 md5 报错:Can't cast database type character to Guid增加一个自动生成suid的函数,这样的话先要增加一扩展,执行语句: create extension "uuid-ossp" 3、增加函数 create or replace function sys_guid() returns uuid as $$ select uuid_generate_v4(); $$ language sql strict;...
createtablet_user( idvarchardefaultsys_guid() ,namevarchar, ageint,codetext) partitionbylist(substring(code,1,2)); createtablet_user_10partitionoft_userforvaluesin('10'); createtablet_user_11partitionoft_userforvaluesin('11'); createtablet_user_12partitionoft_userforvaluesin('12'); altertablet...
number要改成numeric, numeric的精度要调整 varchar2改成varchar, sysdate改成now() sys_guid()改成gen_random_uuid()
UUID_FUNCTION By default Ora2Pg will convert call to SYS_GUID() Oracle function with a call to uuid_generate_v4 from uuid-ossp extension. You can redefined it to use the gen_random_uuid function from pgcrypto extension by changing the function name. Default to uuid_generate_v4. Note that...
[Name]:@UpdateUserId1000 [Value]:f842c2d1-a230-4c24-8aff-0608e9ad3761 [Type]:Guid [Name]:@UpdateUserName1000 [Value]:超级管理员 [Type]:String [Name]:@Id9 [Value]:0bb86bb3-cf64-4476-ba38-3fd7986f92e5 [Type]:Guid [Name]:@id [Value]:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 [Type]...
CREATE TABLE olga.ora_aspnet_applications ( applicationname varchar(256) NOT NULL, loweredapplicationname varchar(256) NOT NULL, applicationid bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT SYS_GUID(), description varchar(256) ) ; The problem is that the function SYS_GUID() is not a PostgreSQL function, could it ...
Note that when a RAW(16) and RAW(32) columns is found or that the RAW column has "SYS_GUID()" as default value Ora2Pg will automatically translate the type of the column into uuid which might be the right translation in most of the case. In this case data will be automatically ...
# By default Ora2Pg will convert call to SYS_GUID() Oracle function # with a call to uuid_generate_v4() from uuid-ossp extension. You can # redefined it to use the gen_random_uuid() function from pgcrypto # extension by changing the function name below....
【 使用版本 】 DataX/userGuid.md at master · alibaba/DataX · GitHub 【问题描述】清晰明确描述问题 【复现路径】问题出现前后相关操作 【问题现象及影响】 pg库的bool类型值为null,迁移到ob之后有1和0了 【附件】AntTech_M5JI5U 2023 年2 月 10 日 17:41 #3 pg的sql: enable bool NULL, – ...