(format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod))::character varying AS typelen, (col_description(pg_attribute.attrelid, (pg_attribute.attnum)::integer))::character varying AS comment, CASE when pg_attribute.attnotnull = 't' then 'NOT NULL' ELSE '' end AS attnotnull FROM ...
pg_catalog.format( '%I %s%s%s', attrdef.attname, attrdef.atttype, case when attrdef.attcollation is null then '' else pg_catalog.format(' COLLATE %I', attrdef.attcollation) end, case when attrdef.attnotnull then ' NOT NULL' else '' end, case when attrdef.attdefault is null then ''...
一、利用表数据信息查询表和字段信息 (一)从pg_tables中查询表信息 selecttablenamefrompg_tableswhereschemaname='ap'andtablenameSIMILARTO'dwd_[a-z,_]+_[0-9]+' (二)从pg_class和pg_attribute根据指定的表名查询字段信息 SELECTC.relname, A.attnameASNAME, A.attnotnullASNOTNULL, format_type ( A...
在我们创建一个表的同时,实际上会自动创建一个以这个表名为命名的type, 所以昨天根本不是什么问题,是我的失误。 通过下面的语句可以看到你的数据库中到底有没有composite 的类型以及他的名字 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECTn.nspnameASschema,pg_catalog.format_type(t.oid,NULL)ASname,t.typnameASinternal_name...
: SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod), pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), a.attnotnull, a.atttypid, a.atttypmod FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON a.attrelid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum ...
concat_ws('', t.typname, SUBSTRING(format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) from '\(.*\)')) as "属性", (case when a.attnotnull = true then 1 else 0 end) as 是否非空, (case when ( select count(pg_constraint.*) from
046.PGSQL-format字符格式化实现批量给表加索引 format格式化 格式说明符由 % 字符引进,格式为 %[ position ] type 组件的字段有: position (optional) n$ 格式的字符串,这里的n是要打印的参数的索引。索引为1表示在formatstr之后的第一个参数。如果省略了position,默认使用序列中的下一个参数。
ScaleLeap/pg-format Star17 Code Issues Pull requests A fully typed TypeScript and Node.js implementation of PostgreSQL format() to safely create dynamic SQL queries. SQL identifiers and literals are escaped to help prevent SQL injection.
You can get more information about the field type by querying PostgreSQL's pg_type system table using the OID obtained with this function. The PostgreSQL format_type() function will convert a type OID into an SQL standard type name. 注意: If the field uses a PostgreSQL domain (rather th...