这个过程主要涉及几个文件,包括pg_dumpall.c,pg_dump.c,pg_backup_db.c。其中pg_dumpall.c导出所有的数据库,pg_dump.c导出单个数据库,会被pg_dumpall.c不断调用,从而导出所有的数据库,这里重点分析下pg_dump.c的工作。 pg_dump过程分析 pg_dump.c文件的main函数,主要完成如下工作: (1) 解析各类参数,包...
rather than risk making an invalid dump. Also, it is not guaranteed that pg_dump's output can be loaded into a server of an older major version — not even if the dump was taken from a server of that version. Loading a dump file into an older server may require manual editing of th...
"test_dump_id_idx" btree (id) 但是有点遗憾,Fd 的格式不能像文本格式一样,on the fly,比如 pg_dump -Fd | pg_restore 的形式,必须落地,但是没关系,有一个工具就是基于此原理——pgcopydb,https://github.com/dimitri/pgcopydb,其以速度见长 pgcopydb is a tool that automates runningpg_dump | ...
一、 pg_dumpall pg_dumpall可以转储cluster里的所有数据库(postgres、template0、template1除外)到一个sql文件,通过对cluster里的每个数据库调用pg_dump实现。pg_dumpall会dump出所有数据库公用的全局对象(即角色和表空间), 而pg_dump不会 注意工具版本,低版本pg_dumpall不能用于高版本db ...
pg_dump is used to back up a single database. Even if the current database is being accessed, a consistent backup is made for the accessed data. The backup process does not prevent other users from reading or writing the database. For more information, see pg_dump. Note The pg_dump...
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not open file "pg_tblspc/859888/PG_10_201707211/859890/876783": No such file or directory I see, this directory exists tillpg_tblspc/859888/PG_10_201707211/859890/ Also I am able to select/create/drop the table on that database ...
Troubleshooting If the output.sql file has not exported anything other than the Pg transaction header and footer there's two possible reasons. The perl script ora2pg dump an ORA-XXX error, that mean that your DSN or login information are wrong, check the error and your settings and try ...
pg_dump是PostgreSQL数据库的备份工具,它可以将数据库中的数据和结构以SQL脚本的形式进行导出。如果要从pg_dump的输出中删除注释和设置,可以通过以下几种方式实现: 1. 使用pg...
Small databases might be good candidates for performing a pg_dump on the production server.For large databases, you could create a point-in-time recovery (PITR) server from the production server and perform the pg_dump process on the PITR server. Running pg_dump on a PITR would be a cold...