“Error: database "*" is being accessed by other users Detail: There are * other sessions using the database.”, 遇到这种情况怎么办呢?可以用一条语句把连接主动结束掉,在navicat的查询窗口执行以下sql语句即可 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECTCAST(pg_terminate_backend(pid)ASVARCHAR(10))FROMpg_stat_...
DROP DATABASE test; 删除,都会报错提示 ERROR: database"mydb"is being accessed by other users DETAIL: There are3other sessions using the database. 这是因为当前数据库也在被别的用户使用,这里要删除也要慎重,确保数据库是可以被删除的再继续操作。 解决方式: 断开连接到这个数据库上的所有链接,再删除数...
*/ if (CountOtherDBBackends(src_dboid, ¬herbackends, &npreparedxacts)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_IN_USE), errmsg("source database \"%s\" is being accessed by other users", dbtemplate), errdetail_busy_db(notherbackends, npreparedxacts))); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ...
PostgreSQL 中 有时候想删除数据库(drop database swiftliveqaapi;),发现提示“ERROR: database "xxxxxx" is being accessed by other users DETAIL: There are ** other sessions using the database.” 意思是 有其他用户在连接数据库,不能删除。 解决方法: 用psql 登录进入/navicat选择对应服务器, 执行语句...
drop database 数据库名; 注意:删库前需要关闭所有会话,不然会提示: ERROR: database "mydb" is being accessed by other users DETAIL: There are 8 other sessions using the database. 关闭数据库所有会话 SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.pid) ...
[local:/run/pg12]:5120pg12@testdb=# drop database dropdb;ERROR: database"dropdb"isbeing accessedbyother users DETAIL: Thereis1other sessionusingthe database. AI代码助手复制代码 PG 13 创建数据库并连接 [pg13@localhost ~]$ createdb dropdb ...
drop database 数据库名; 1. 注意:删库前需要关闭所有会话,不然会提示: ERROR: database "mydb" is being accessed by other users DETAIL: There are 8 other sessions using the database. 1. 2. 关闭数据库所有会话: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.pid) ...
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: source database "template1" is being accessed by other users 看见没有,出错了吧。 从上面种种来看,pgsql真是安全哪,把很多安全问题都扼杀在摇篮,而且配置也很丰富,虽然我安装过程复杂了一点。其实多看看手册就明白的很了,只怪我不看手册。
pg_dump is used to back up a single database. Even if the current database is being accessed, a consistent backup is made for the accessed data. The backup process does not prevent other users from reading or writing the database. For more information, see pg_dump. Note The pg_dump...
By default,pg_stat_monitoris created for thepostgresdatabase. To access the statistics from other databases, you need to create the extension for every database. -- Select some of the query information, like client_ip, username and application_name etc. postgres=# SELECT application_name, use...