CrateDB version: 4.0.2 navicat for pg client 12.1.20 ---connection form--- cratedb localhost 5432 doc crate test connection is ok but open connection "ERROR:Unknow session setting name 'datestyle' " and crate console echo [2019-07...
问题:无法使用PHP pg_connect()连接到PostgreSQL 答案:当无法使用PHP的pg_connect()函数连接到PostgreSQL数据库时,可能是由于以下原因导致的: PHP扩展未安装或未启用:首先确保已安装并启用了PHP的PostgreSQL扩展。可以通过编辑php.ini文件,取消注释以下行来启用扩展:extension=pgsql extension=pdo_pgsql然后重启Web服务器...
但是,当我的(简单)php-脚本试图连接到PostgreSQL时,它无法工作: 警告: pg_connect():无法连接到PostgreSQL服务器:无法连接到服务器:拒绝允许服务器在主机"在第7行的/var/www/html 浏览2提问于2015-01-02得票数 10 回答已采纳 1回答 使用'pg:psql‘命令连接heroku数据库时’连接超时‘ 、、...
<?php if(!($db = pg_connect("user=foo password=bar dbname=foobar"))) die("pg_connect"); if(!pg_send_query($db, "SELECT foo FROM bar")) die("pg_send_query"); if(!($result = pg_get_result($db))) die("pg_get_result"); echo(pg_result_error($result) . "\n"); /* ...
有时候在远程连接时,会报Error connecting to the server:致命错误:没有用于主机“…”,用户“…”,数据库“…”,SSL关闭的pg_hba.conf记录: 这是在远程连接时pg_hba.conf文件没有配置正确。 pg_hba.conf文件在Postgre安装文件目录下的data文件夹中。
It does not happen if host=localhost is removed from the pg_connect() call. Happens in 8.2 and 8.3. Does NOT happen in 8.1. CLI is not affected. The following code: <?php $c = pg_connect('host=localhost user=ian dbname=ipb'); print("done\n"); Resulted in this output: [06-Feb...
3.1 3.2 3.3 Issue When we try to connect to a Postgres database we get the following error: Raw org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: there is no record on pg_hba.conf for, user MYUSER, database MYDATABASE, SSL inactive ...
Azure安装完postgresql遇到:psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host 进入创建好的Azure Database for PostgreSQL server 点击connection security 在Firewall rules中 Add 再次连接创建好的postgresql就可以了...
My house lost power, and so that abruptly shut down my Gitlab server. I power it back on, and it gives me a 500 error. I dosudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure, and I get this in the log: [execute] psql: could not connect to server: Connection refusedIs the server running locally and acc...