PG diploma比certificate高一个层次,介于certificate和正常毕业degree之间,国内认证出来就只有一个文凭,而没有学位。硕士的PG diploma认证出来就相当于一个研究生学历但是不是硕士。 也就是说如果你念的是这两种课程,回到学历有可能不被认可,在申请课程的时候请千万要注意!
其次PG Certificate在国内的教育部留学服务中心也不能被认证,PG Diploma在留学服务中心可以认证毕业文凭,...
另外,如果学生硕士挂科没毕业,就只能拿到这个文凭。PGCert: Postgraduate Certificate即研究生证书。PGCert同样仅专注于技能培养,学制最短可为仅为六个月。大部分学生在读完硕士后会选择就业,所以选择的项目还是以授课型硕士为主,研究型硕...
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)'s Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (PGCert) is currently the only master's programme in teacher development in China accredited by Advance HE.University...
PgCert stands for Postgraduate Certificate and is one of manypostgraduate study optionsyou may take after gaining your first degree. You may also see it being referred to as a PGC or a PG Cert. It is often referred to as a ‘mini masters' as it is the same level of study as amaste...
A Postgraduate Certificate or Diplomacouldtherefore offer you a more affordable postgraduate study option, particularly if you are studying with a clear professional or career goal in mind. If so, a PGCert or PGDip could provide a quicker route into work, whilst still picking up some advanced...
因此,不是立志要从事专业的研究工作的同学,只要申请MSc和MA就可以了。 PgDip指的是Postgraduate Diploma,意味着有毕业证,但无学位。 PgCert指的是Postgraduate Certificate,意味着只有结业证书,没有毕业证,没有学位。 所以!!划重点!!写着PgDip和PgCert的项目就不要点进去看了!回国没办法认证硕士学位的!!
Postgraduate certificate courses(PgCert)是研究生,归国后在教育部留学服务中心进行国外学历学位认证,获得硕士学位。Postgraduate diploma courses(PgDip)是研究生文凭,通常为期为9个月,包括硕士课程的授课内容,但不包括期末论文,中国教育部不予进行学历认证,部分文凭课程结束后可转为硕士学位课程,...
Online University of Essex Online Online Masters Degree Programmes Part time April, July PGCert 8 months FindAMasters summary Explore the Postgraduate Certificate in Global Mental Health and Wellbeing, a fully online course designed for those interested in mental health policies worldwide....
这样的情况从性价比考虑,最适合的课程是PG Cert。先申请一个3-6个月的certificate课程,通过后,再...