使用pg_basebackup创建用于流复制的基础备份,只要在从库执行一条命令(主库提前配置好pg_hba.conf) pg_basebackup -h主库ip -p5432 -U repuser -F p -P -v -Xfetch -R -D $PGDATA -l Replication 1. pg 9.2 开始支持在从库做备份,但有一些注意事项: 不会创建备份历史文件 不保证备份需要的所有WAL文...
2.pg_basebackup备份主库 pg_basebackup命令行工具支持对主库发起一个在线基准备份,并自动进入备份模式进行数据库基准备份,备份完成后自动从备份模式退出,pg_basebackup工具是对数据库实例级进行的物理备份,因此这个工具通常作为备份工具对据库进行基准备份。 # docker exec -it postgres-salve /bin/bash //进入PG备库...
pg_basebackup-D/target_dir -hmaster.example.com--checkpoint=fast --wal-method=stream -R -Rwill automatically set the necessary parameters to run streaming replication. For Point-In-Time-Recovery,-Ris neither necessary nor useful. Once this is done, we can already start the replica.Since the...
Let’s look at an example that uses the pg_basebackup and the “recovery_target_time” option to do a PITR after a table was dropped. Setting Up the Test This is what my test instance looks like: db01=# \l+ List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype ...
just tried your release but i get this strange error [repl:slave] DATADIR (/var/vcap/store/postgres/db) not found; seeding from preferred master ([]) pg_basebackup: could not connect to server: could not translate host name ...
pg_basebackup则使用的是shared backup,可以跑多个。 3. You can’t get backups on multi standbys at the same time too. 道理同上 4. Basically, the backup from standby-site is used for restoring on MASTER. pg_rman doesn’t treat the backup as restoring on standby automatically. ...
修复pg_dump,pg_basebackup 工作中错误报告回馈的问题 12.11 版本号 更新要点/bug fixed 链接/注释 12.11 修复在进行 autovacuum ,index 操作中的安全漏洞,防止普通用户具有超级用户的权限 The PostgreSQL Project thanks Alexander Lakhin for reporting this problem. (CVE-2022-1552) 12.11 修复了 index_only 时读... witness: repmgr+witness 所有的节点 安装操作系统 ,创建用户目录 ,安装pg,安装repmgr 只初始化主库 二、环境准备 2.1 安装主机环境:略 2.2 配置主机互信 echo" pg73">>/etc/hosts echo" pg74">>/etc/hosts
通过pg_baseback修复旧Master。cls_rebuild_slave是对pg_basebackup的包装,主要多了执行结果状态的检查。 [root@node1 pha4pgsql]# rm -rf /data/postgresql/data [root@node1 pha4pgsql]# cls_rebuild_slave 22636/22636 kB (100%), 1/1 tablespace ...
NOTICE: standby clone (using pg_basebackup) complete NOTICE: you can now start your PostgreSQL server HINT:forexample: /home/postgres/bin/postgresql start HINT: after starting the server, you need to re-register this standby with"repmgr standby register --force"to update the existing node record...