How to add column if not exists on PostgreSQL WithPostgres 9.6this can be done using the optionif not exists ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS column_name INTEGER; https://...
1. pgsql删除字段,存在该字段才删除 altertable【表名】dropcolumnifexists【字段名】; 2.pgsql批量添加/删除一张表的字段 a.增加 ALTERTABLE【表名】ADDCOLUMN【字段名】【数据类型】 【限制】,ADDCOLUMN【字段名】【数据类型】 【限制】;ALTERTABLEuserADDCOLUMNuser_namecharactervaryingnotnull,ADDCOLUMNagesmall...
ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD PRIMARY KEY(列名); 4. 添加唯一约束 #方式一:列级约束的写法 ALTER TABLE 表名 MODIFY COLUMN 列名 类型 UNIQUE; #方式二:表级约束的写法 ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD UNIQUE(列名); 5.添加外键 #列级约束不支持外键就不写了 ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD FOREIGN KEY(外键列列名) REFERENCES ...
select * , columnName1+ifnull(columnName2,0) from tableName; 1. columnName1,columnName2 为 int 型, 当columnName2 中,有值为 null 时,columnName1+columnName2=null,ifnull(columnName2,0)把 columnName2 中null 值转为 0。 7.UNION 操作符 SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n...
ADD VALUE IF NOT EXISTS 'ok' BEFORE 'fine'; mydb=# \dT+ mood; List of data types Schema | Name | Internal name | Size | Elements | Owner | Access privileges | Description ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--- public | mood | mood | 4 | sad +| postgres | | | | |...
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.t_user.update_time IS '更新时间'; -- 创建自增序列alter sequence "t_user_ID_seq" restart with 1 increment by 1; -- 创建主键序列 drop index if exists "t_user_pkey"; alter table "t_user" add constraint "t_user_pkey" primary key ("ID"); ...
await sql`CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector`.execute(db); Create a table await db.schema.createTable('items') .addColumn('id', 'serial', (cb) => cb.primaryKey()) .addColumn('embedding', sql`vector(3)`) .execute(); Insert vectors import pgvector from 'pgvector/kysely'; const...
await sql`CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector`.execute(db); Create a table await db.schema.createTable('items') .addColumn('id', 'serial', (cb) => cb.primaryKey()) .addColumn('embedding', sql`vector(3)`) .execute(); Insert vectors import pgvector from 'pgvector/kysely'; const...
In this case, Ora2Pg will add the column as follow: ALTER TABLE t_document ADD COLUMN tsv_title tsvector; Then update the column to compute FTS vectors if data have been loaded before UPDATE t_document SET tsv_title = to_tsvector('pg_catalog.french', coalesce(title,'')); To ...